Dried apples - good and bad

Apples are one of the most useful products. A complex of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients improves health and helps the body fight diseases. However, in two months the apples of the local harvest begin to lose their useful properties. To buy imported products, around which the scandals concerning the safety of fruit periodically inflame, many are not being solved. To keep all useful substances in apples and to feed them with the body all year round, you can apply a simple method of drying. Dried apples, the benefits and harm of which have long been researched by nutritionists and doctors, are an excellent product for combating seasonal vitamin deficiency, diseases and bad mood.

Are dried apples useful?

During drying, apples lose liquid, and all useful substances remain intact. And all acids, minerals and vitamins can be stored in such a product until the next harvest. Dried apples contain such substances:

  1. Sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) - they make up about 12% of the product. Such quantity of sugars helps quickly to saturate an organism, to restore forces after a heavy physical or mental load. But it is this component that confuses nutritionists who do not recommend taking a dip in dried apples during diets.
  2. Organic acids make up about 2.5%. In drying, there is apple, citric, arabic, tartaric, chlorogenic acids, which help maintain the acid-base balance in the body and fight infection.
  3. Polysaccharide pectin substances necessary for the passage of metabolic and digestive processes, reducing the level of cholesterol.
  4. Tannins that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Minerals. Dried apples are a storehouse of iron and magnesium, which are necessary to improve the quality of blood and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The iodine in the drying helps to improve metabolism and support the activity of the hormonal system.
  6. Flavonoids are found in the skin of dried apples. These substances resist cell damage, neutralizing the effect of free radicals.
  7. Phytoncides, the purpose of which is to suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Dried apples for weight loss

All dried fruits are used during diets in limited quantities. The reason for this is the high caloric content of the dried product. For example, a fresh apple has a caloric content of about 40-50 units per 100 g of weight. Dried apples lose water, but caloric content does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, the dry product is once in five calories fresh. If the dried fruit is soaked before consumption, its calorie content will go down.

If you want to lose weight with a diet on dried apples, you will have to be patient. Such a diet involves the use of a complex dried fruits and nuts for 5 days. For one day it is necessary to take 200 g of dried fruits and the same number of nuts. They are divided into 10 parts and consumed every hour. In addition, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and green tea.

Dried apples can be used for weight loss and in normal nutrition. Just replace them with one meal, preferably the evening meal.

The damage of dried apples

A lot of sugars make dried apples not the best product for diabetics and obese diabetics. In addition, gastroenterologists do not recommend using this product in the period of peptic ulcer exacerbation. During the diet, dried apples should be consumed in limited quantities.