How useful is gooseberry for the body?

Gooseberries can be cooked a large number of dishes: compote, jam, wine, jam, marmalade, mousse, soufflé, pudding ... This list can be continued not only with desserts, but also with first and second courses. Gooseberries can be salted, marinated, canned. Any dish from gooseberry will be useful!

Useful properties of gooseberries for humans

In one small berry of gooseberry contains a large number of micro- and macro elements, tannins, pectin, carotene, vitamins A, PP, B vitamins . Experts believe that the content of vitamin C gooseberry can compete only with black currant. Especially a lot of good in the skin of the berry.

Gooseberries have a laxative, diuretic and choleretic effect. Doctors recommend eating these berries together with honey for the treatment of anemia, hypertension, obesity, skin problems, gum disease.

What else is good for gooseberries for the body? It prevents the penetration of toxins, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides into the human body. Participates in blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

How useful is gooseberry for the body of a woman?

The health of women is very useful useful properties of gooseberry. Violations of the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding - everything is normal if you drink broth from the leaves of gooseberries or eat its berries.

Despite the high caloric value of berries, gooseberries can be consumed even during a diet. Glucose and fructose are rapidly absorbed by the body, metabolism is accelerated.

Scientists have experimentally proved the useful properties of gooseberries for weight loss. In the course of the study, a direct correlation between the amount of eaten gooseberries and weight loss indicators was proved. The increased content of fiber in berries additionally speeds up the process of reducing excess weight, metabolism is restored, and the intestine is cleared of toxins.

For 1-1,5 weeks daily it is recommended to eat 800-900 grams of very ripe gooseberry. In this case, you should remove from your diet high-calorie dishes. During the entire diet can be reduced its weight is 3-4 kilograms.

What is useful for gooseberry for pregnant women?

Experts recommend to use gooseberries for a future mother almost throughout the pregnancy, as it can prevent many complications. The most useful berries are dessert varieties of this plant.

They replenish the daily norm of vitamin C, nicotinic acid. Berries normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, prevent migraines and headaches. Vitamin A, B vitamins, folic acid are needed not only for mom, but also for the full development of the fetus. Micro- and macronutrients remove from the body salts of heavy metals, give a good mood, strengthen immunity. Gooseberries help to normalize the "stool", prevents anemia of pregnant women.