The Andersen Museum

In Odense, in 1908, the world's first Andersen museum was opened, dedicated to this talented storyteller. Each of his exhibitions tells about the writer's life: his childhood, his writing debut, the beginning of his literary career and many other stages of the creative path of Hans Christian. It will not be superfluous to note that the modern museum of Andersen is equipped with the most innovative technologies, including multimedia screens connected to the library fund, which allows you to listen to the famous fairy tales of the writer.

What to see in the museum?

The first thing to mention is the new exposition called "Transformation". I do not want to disclose all the cards, but, you know, it's designed to turn the museum atmosphere into something memorable, original and with a bit of magic. In addition, all this is embodied in reality due to modern projection technologies, as well as audio systems.

In the exhibition "Art" there are huge scissors that Andersen once cut out his paper figures. By stroking them, you understand that Hans had patience and creativity. The "Nyuhvan" hall will transfer visitors to the writer's office, or rather to one of the latter, which was located on the street. Nykhvan, in the house number 18. Every furniture, like personal belongings, is original.

The Andersen Museum has a long corridor, which also serves as an art gallery. Here you have the opportunity to see colorful illustrations for the works of the storyteller that have been created since 1838. Particular attention should be paid to the "Ugly Duckling", which belongs to the brush of the genius Dali.

"Memorial Hall" is one of the main premises. He appeared in 1929, and a year later his wall was painted by artist Niels Larsen Stevens: there are eight incredible frescoes illustrating the writer's life.

How to get there?

From the bus station you can reach one of Odense 's most important attractions by the following buses: 28, 29, 30P, 31, 31P, 32, 32P, 39S, 40, 41, 42, 51, 52, 52S, 60. Do not forget to get off at " Overgade / TB Tiges Gade. " By the way, not far from the museum there are many good hotels .