Ingrown nail - the most effective methods of treatment

Onihrikptoz or ingrown nail - a phenomenon that often occurs. In most cases, the external nail grooves of the toes of the large foot are affected. The disease is accompanied by redness, swelling and severe soreness caused by the inflammatory process. If the problem is not resolved in time, it can become chronic.

Why does the nail grow?

The reasons why part of the nail plate grows into a soft body, a lot. The main ones are:

  1. Injuries and heavy loads that contribute to infection of wounds.
  2. Fungal lesions of nail plates and skin surrounding them.
  3. If a fingernail grows into a finger, this can be a consequence of a number of diseases. Such diseases, such as arthritis, excessive sweating, lead to ingrownness.
  4. The non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene results in the inflammatory process. This makes the epidermis more vulnerable and friable. And if there is a wound, it increases the chance of getting an infection in it.
  5. The factor that predisposes to ingrownion is the hereditary specific form of the nail plate.
  6. Sometimes an ingrown nail appears directly due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Why do nails grow on legs?

Onychriptosis of the foot affects more often. In most cases, the subloals have to treat an ingrown nail on the big toe. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The most common problem is an improperly made pedicure. Nails on the legs can never be cut too short and rounded at the sides. This, maybe, looks much more attractive. But an ingrown nail because of this and appears. To make the pedicure beautiful and safe, the nail plates should protrude slightly over the soft body on the fingers, and on the sides they should be slightly cut with a special nail file.
  2. Narrow or uncomfortable shoes lead to squeezing of the foot and nails. Under constant pressure, the nail plate pierces the skin, and wound appears. If the shoes do not change to a spacious and comfortable, the injury will be hard to heal.
  3. Some ingrown painful nails are treated due to flat feet.
  4. More often others suffer from onychroptosis people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet on duty. Constant tension leads to a violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities and the appearance of edema.
  5. Among other things, the ingrowth of the nail occurs with a sharp increase in weight. As a rule, after losing weight, the problem disappears for a long time.

Why grow fingernails in hands?

The reasons for the appearance of onochryptosis on the hands and feet are similar only partially. The fact is that the structure of the feet and brushes, and at the same time of the nail bed, is different. Therefore, if an ingrown fingernail is found on the hand, it is necessary to sin on:

Forced change in the shape of the nail plate in most cases adversely affects its further development. Sometimes ingrownion occurs not only in the rollers, but also in the bed. Since on all fingers of the fingernails of the same thickness, onochryptosis can affect all the fingers with equal probability. The disease is accompanied by redness. Patients complain of soreness. Often pus accumulates in the lesion. All this gives a lot of discomfort when the finger has to perform some kind of action.

Ingrown toenail - what to do?

Onihokriptoz delivers a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. In addition, the ingrown nail does not look the most attractive and aesthetic way. Therefore, all patients try to solve this problem as soon as possible. Treatment of ingrown nails should be started as early as possible. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications - such as severe inflammation or suppuration, for example.

Any correction of ingrown nails begins with providing comfortable conditions. It is necessary to refuse close footwear, as much as possible to lower pressure on a nail plate, to cease to cut it "under a rootlet". To facilitate the care of nails will help softening agents, with which the plate will soon come out from under the okolonogtevogo roller:

Treatment of ingrown nail in the home

At the initial stages of onochryptosis, the use of conservative and folk methods of treatment is considered as most expedient. Often an ingrown toenail helps to heal salt trays. For their preparation, ordinary rock salt is used. After the affected area is not very strong, the pain subsides. And still the baths help soften the epidermis.

How to cure an ingrown toenail?


Preparation, use:

  1. Onions and garlic crushed.
  2. Mix the ingredients and add fat to them.
  3. Finished mass is applied to a sore spot for 15 to 20 minutes, and then washed off.

The method of sawing is not bad. Such treatment is simple, but effective. Preliminarily you need to steam out the limbs. Softened after the procedure, the nail is sawn in the middle. The essence of the therapy is that the nail plate will try to consolidate. As a result, the edges of the nail will begin to be released from under the skin and will cease to grow into it.

Treatment of ingrown nails with plates and staples

A popular way to treat onychrictosis is orthonics. It consists in the fact that the staple is placed on the ingrown nail. This is a non-surgical treatment that will get rid of the problem completely painlessly. But most importantly - during therapy, you do not have to change your lifestyle. With shoes you can wear any shoes, go in for sports and even go to the pool.

Plate springs are attached to the nail with special glue. They are strongly stretched, due to which the tension is removed from the edges of the nail plates, deformation is eliminated, a normal arch is formed. The time of the plate wear depends on:

Methods for removing ingrown nails

Radical methods of treatment are used when conservative therapy has not given results or in neglected cases. Removal of ingrown nails is done in many ways. But they are all painless. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia, so that the likelihood of the appearance of pain is reduced to zero. And that the patient and after the operation felt comfortable, he was prescribed painkillers if necessary.

Removal of ingrown toenail by surgical procedure

This method is the most "ancient", but it is still being addressed by specialists. Surgical removal of an ingrown nail is complete or partial. Partial resection is performed if the suppuration has not yet begun, but the nail roller is already thickened. Complete removal of ingrown nails on the leg or hand must be done when pus already started to accumulate in the soft tissues.

The method has certain advantages - it helps to prevent the beginning of putrefaction of bone tissue. But there are surgical removal and drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that the bandage should be worn until a new nail grows. And this can take up to several months. In addition, during surgery, there is a risk of damage to the growth zone of the plate, which can lead to a recurrence of onochryptosis.

Laser removal of ingrown nail

A popular modern method of treatment captivates with its low traumatism. The laser beam destroys that part of the plate where it deforms and grows. At the same time, the healthy tissue remains untouched. Removal of an ingrown nail by a laser has a great advantage - after such an operation it is not necessary to impose seams, and therefore rehabilitation is minimal.

The beam acts neatly and does not destroy the structure of the nail, but only makes its smaller part of the stem. In fact, surgery to remove an ingrown nail on the leg with a laser is an effective and safe correction, which takes no more than half an hour. Already the next day after the procedure the patient feels relief - the pain disappears, the swelling and inflammation go away.

Radio wave removal of ingrown nail

This is another popular method. Removal of an ingrown nail by the radio wave method involves exposure to injured sites with high frequency waves. They increase the temperature in the cells. This leads to evaporation of moisture. As a result, the cells are destroyed and the tissues are separated. After the removal procedure, you need to make several dressings. An important condition - dressings can not be wetted.

What to do after removing the ingrown nail?

The duration of rehabilitation and preventive measures vary depending on the treatment method used. That after removal of the grown up fingernail there was no relapse, it follows:

  1. It is correct to do a manicure and a pedicure.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes.
  3. To observe hygiene.
  4. In time, treat fungal and infectious diseases.