Why do warts appear on the fingers?

Warts are benign skin lesions, a very unattractive species. Eliminate warts is difficult, as it provokes their appearance of the virus. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to know why the warts appear on the fingers of the hands.

Why are warts formed on the fingers?

The most common infection with papillomaviruses occurs in childhood or adolescence. The main ways of penetration of the virus into the body are two:

  1. Direct contact with the skin of an infected person.
  2. Household way - infection when interacting with objects of everyday life, hygiene, clothing. Very often, both children and adults "catch" the virus when visiting the bath, pool, shower room at the gym.

Reliably established that there is another way of infection is the transmission of papillomavirus from a sick mother to the fetus during pregnancy. Only there will be ugly warts in the child after several years under the influence of any unfavorable factors.

Virus agents of the human papillomavirus after infection penetrate into the DNA, which leads to an increase in blood flow to the affected cells and their rapid growth. This is what directly causes warts on the fingers and other parts of the body. The process of wart formation can last from a week to several months.

Other causes of warts on the fingers

The causes of activation of the virus, and hence the appearance of warts on the fingers, can be:

Attention! The spread of the virus to other skin areas can be facilitated by the habit of tearing warts apart. Papillomavirus is introduced into cells, and new warts are formed at the sites of penetration.

Treatment and removal of warts

Information about why warts grow on fingers is important, but it is also necessary to know how to get rid of unpleasant formations. It is recommended to remove it without fail warts in the following cases:

Currently, there are safe and instant methods of removal with the help of laser, liquid nitrogen, chemicals. Do not lose their relevance and folk remedies for warts, including moxibustion of celandine .