Neon nail polish

In the 1990s, neon nail polish first appeared, which immediately became very popular among young people. Then the fashion for such varnishes passed, but in the past few years you can observe a new round of growth in the popularity of neon manicure. And if before the neon varnish on the nails could only be seen in young girls, then today a manicure made with such a bright and spectacular lacquer is an indispensable attribute of women of all ages.

Modern fashion for neon varnishes

New neon shades of varnish, compared with the fashionable colors in the 1990s, are more "sweet". Such shades are very harmoniously combined with the actual color palette of the warm spring-summer season, which abounds with bright caramel and fresh natural tones.

However, the neon varnish looks good against the background of snow-white or light beige outfits, standing out with a bright color spot. Also very impressive looks neon manicure, the color of which is in harmony with bright summer decorations of luminous shades. To date, the most popular among the many manufacturers are:

  1. The company ORLY , which develops professional cosmetics for nail care . Their products are more expensive than conventional varnishes, but the price matches the quality.
  2. Firm NEON , developing nail polishes of bright and saturated colors. Thanks to this, it enjoys great success among young people. The price policy is also pleasantly surprising, so every fashionista can afford to choose several varnishes for any event.

How to use neon varnish?

Modern nail polish is so easy to handle that making a neon manicure at home is easy. You just need to consider some of the nuances of applying neon varnishes for nails, which make it possible to make a manicure truly perfect.

  1. To make the neon shade look denser and saturated, and the liquid itself lay on the nails as evenly as possible, it should be applied to the base of a matte white opaque varnish.
  2. To strengthen the shade of neon varnish, it is necessary to apply it in several layers. In this case it is important to allow each layer to dry thoroughly, otherwise the varnish will lie unevenly or crack in the first day after application.
  3. When creating a fashionable neon manicure, it should be borne in mind that varnishes of such unusual effective colors wither very quickly, so it is better to at least slightly twist the jar after painting each nail. Of course, such tricks are not very convenient, but they will significantly prolong the life of a beautiful neon nail polish.
  4. And, finally, the last mandatory condition for creating a quality manicure with the help of neon varnish is the application of a special fixing coating on top of it. Such a coating can be both glossy and matte, which allows you to create different effects using the same lacquer.