Removal of papillomas - 7 best ways

The procedure for the removal of papillomas is offered by many beauty salons and cosmetology centers. Every day it becomes more urgent. Papillomas are benign skin lesions. They look like small soft growths. The color of papillomas can range from light beige to dark brown. By themselves, education is harmless, but their damage threatens with complications. Uninstalling will help prevent the latter.

What is papilloma, and what is it dangerous?

You might not know what papilloma is, but you should have seen it. Benign pathological formations usually appear in the form of warts or genital warts. Papillomas can be found on any part of the body. In most cases, the dimensions of the formations do not exceed a few millimeters, but sometimes they grow very large.

Removal of papillomas would not be a popular procedure if the formulations were completely harmless. Although warts, condylomata and other manifestations of HPV are initially benign, they can always be transformed and become a cause of oncology. Contribute to this harmful habits, unhealthy lifestyle, frequent injuries of papillomas. If the lesions are located next to the lymph nodes, this is fraught with the development of lymphadenitis .

Types of papillomas

Medicine distinguishes several basic types of papillomas:

  1. Threadlike. At the initial stage, they look like a small yellowish seal of elongated or rounded shape. Filiform papillomas grow on thin "legs", for which they received their name. This kind of formations is the most common. In most cases, such papillomas on the face, neck, eyelids, underarms and under the mammary glands are found.
  2. Flat. Round and oval formations of light beige color. Flat papillomas almost do not rise above the surface of the body. Localized, as a rule, on the face and upper body, sometimes found on the external genitalia.
  3. Simple. By appearance resemble papules the size of a pinhead. At later stages, if the removal of papillomas is not carried out, they darken and become rough to the touch. There are such formations on the palms, the back surfaces of the limbs, around the lips.
  4. Pointed. Papilliform pinkish or corporal papillomas are localized in the groin, on the genital organs. They are transmitted only by sexual contact, they grow very quickly.
  5. Plantar. Such papules grow deep inside the tissues. They look like calluses and cause discomfort when walking.

Papillomas - the causes of the appearance

The causative agent of the disease is human papillomavirus. It is transmitted by sexual and domestic ways. After penetrating the body, HPV can not manifest itself for a long time. The starting factor in the development of the disease is the weakening of immunity. The active reproduction of the papilloma virus is facilitated by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking, alcohol abuse, stress. Most often, HPV manifests itself in the organisms of people who regularly visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and other public places.

Papillomas - treatment

The fight with HPV is difficult, because for today no specific treatment has been developed from it. For this reason, most of the ways to get rid of papillomas are directed at suppressing the activity of the virus and eliminating the symptoms of its activity. Symptomatic treatment allows you to remove the formations and tissues in which cell changes have occurred. Therapy involves the use of such drugs:

Means against papillomas and warts in the pharmacy

Removing the symptoms of papillomas can be done by different means. Among the most popular and effective are the following:

  1. Ferezol. This remedy for papillomas disinfects infected areas of the skin and cauterizes the formation. Because Feresol has a strong chemical effect, it should be used carefully. The drug is rubbed into the papilloma for about 20 minutes. As a rule, the fifth procedure of education disappears.
  2. Superchistotel. Although their names are similar, this medicine has no relation to the plant of the same name. Superchistotel - chemical, burning out build-up on the skin. Decrease in the size of the papilloma begins on the second day of treatment.
  3. Dermavit. According to the instructions, this medicine for papillomas can be removed for a day.
  4. Cryopharm. The aerosol is intended for papilloma freezing. After cryopharma treatment, the build-up gradually turns white, and after a while disappears by itself.
  5. Verrukacide. Small papillomas can disappear after the first treatment. Larger lubrications need 2 to 3 times.

Folk remedies for papillomas

Alternative medicine often stresses on strengthening immunity. According to one of the methods, removal of papillomas begins with the preparation of herbal infusion, which activates the work of the immune system. You can choose components at your discretion. Not bad recommended folk remedies for papillomas on the body, cooked on the basis of:

Ointment from papillomas with kerosene and walnuts


Preparation and use

  1. Nuts cut into slices and chop with a mincer.
  2. Fill the walnut with a liter jar for 2/3.
  3. The remaining space in the tank should be filled with kerosene and close the jar tightly with a lid.
  4. The drug should be infused in the dark for 21 days.
  5. After three weeks strain the mixture. Keep it cool.
  6. To treat the skin with infusion is recommended 1 - 2 times a day for 5 - 7 days.

Methods for removing papillomas

Although all the treatment methods described above are effective, it is possible to remove the papilloma or not, it is still advisable to consult a specialist. A professional will help you choose the most suitable procedure. The most popular ways to remove papillomas are:

Removal of papillomas at home

Do not confuse treatment at home, which is conducted in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist, and self-medication. Remove papillomas on the body of the house without first consulting a doctor. This can lead to serious complications: at best, bleeding will begin, at worst, the process of transformation of education from good to malignant will start.

When the removal of papillomas is agreed, you can proceed to the procedure. There are many ways to deal with outgrowths:

  1. Using adhesive tape. Not ordinary, of course, but medical - with a special solution. A piece of this "scotch" is glued to the papilloma for 5 to 6 days. Before removal, the tape is wetted with water, after which it easily lags behind the skin along with the build-up.
  2. Aloe. Juice of millennia also effectively fights with papillomas. The moistened tampon is attached to the formation of plaster. Change "compresses" should be every 3 - 4 hours. After a week of regular procedures, the papilloma goes away.
  3. Essential oils. They are applied by analogy with aloe and act approximately the same. Ethers destroy the virus due to the phytoncids contained in them.

Papilloma - laser removal

This is one of the most effective and safe methods. How to treat a papilloma with a laser? Very simply: the beam emitted by a special installation evaporates the build-up, and due to the effect of coagulation of tissues and blood vessels, bleeding is prevented. In fact, the removal of the papillomas with a laser passes without the formation of wounds and subsequent scarring. Special preparation for the procedure is not required. As a rule, to get rid of tumors, one session suffices.

Papilloma - removal of nitrogen

Cryodestruction is mechanical and hardware. The latter is considered to be of higher quality and is worth it accordingly. Removal of papillomas with nitrogen occurs in several stages. Initially, if necessary, anesthesia is carried out (as a rule, this is required for people with a low pain threshold). The second stage is freezing. Takes this process a few seconds. The sensation of tingling during the procedure is normal. At the end, the removal site is treated with a disinfectant.

Radio wave removal by papillomas

The essence of the method is simple: with the aid of a special electrode, the electric current is transformed into high-frequency waves. The papillomas are cut due to the heat generated in the tissues during contact with the electrode. The procedure leaves no traces and passes almost painlessly. Since the removal of papillomas by radio waves can be relatively simple, rehabilitation after the procedure is rapid.

Chemical removal of papillomas

This method is efficient and affordable. Chemical removal of papilloma is the treatment of the formation of special drugs. As a result, their tissues die, and the build-up disappears. After the procedure, the wound remains on the skin, which eventually becomes crusted. You can not tear the last one out so that the scar does not form. Due to the fact that chemical removal is a traumatic method, recently it has been treated less and less.

What to do after removing the papilloma?

As a result of some procedures, a small wound in the form of a funnel remains on the skin. This is an open dermis, into which an infection can penetrate. Avoiding negative consequences will help regular treatment with disinfectants. In the first few days after removal of the papilloma, redness may persist. This is normal, hyperemia will pass by itself. In rare cases, patients are prescribed antibiotics.