How to brew oatmeal to lose weight?

Oatmeal is a popular food product that is allowed to be used for weight loss. It is necessary to know how to brew oatmeal properly, so that it only benefits the body. There are several secrets that will help to achieve an excellent result.

How to brew oatmeal to lose weight?

To make porridge it is necessary to choose flakes without additives (the exception is natural ingredients, such as candied fruits and nuts). It should be borne in mind that the cooking time directly depends on the size of the flakes.

Take a small pot, add 2 cups of water and pour 1 cup of cereal into it. Stir constantly, bring the gruel to a boil. To diversify the taste of the prepared dish, you can use a small amount of nuts, honey, fruit or berries.

How to brew oatmeal at night?

The same amount of ingredients should be mixed and left for the night to swell. In the morning it is recommended to add another 1 tbsp. water and boil for 5 minutes.

Another option - pour flakes of water in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave for the night, but this option is the least delicious of all.

The secrets of how to brew oatmeal for weight loss:

  1. If your goal is to lose weight, then do not use milk , you need to cook the porridge only on the water.
  2. Honey should not be put in hot porridge, as it loses all useful properties and as a result there are some simple carbohydrates.
  3. Varied taste of cereal can be spices, for example, turmeric, ginger powder, herbs and garlic.
  4. Do not buy flakes of instant cooking, as they have been cleared and lost almost all the useful properties.
  5. If you can not eat steamed porridge on the water, then you can use a fruit broth. It should be prepared from dried fruits, for example, from apples or pears.