Kefir fungus - how to use, benefit and harm

Kefir fungus, placed in milk, turns into a useful and tasty drink, which is used to treat a huge number of serious diseases. In addition, this tool can be used for cosmetic and culinary purposes. That is why questions about the benefits and dangers of kefir fungus and how to use it are relevant and of interest to many.

How to use kefir fungus and how to care for it?

Use kefiric fungus is not difficult. To prepare yogurt, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of mushroom with 250 milliliters of milk and cover with gauze. After 24 hours the drink will be ready. Now it is better to strain and pour into another jar. Kefir mushroom is important to rinse well and add a new portion of milk.

Talking about what kind of milk to use for kefir fungus, then preferably home, and if from the store, then only not long-term storage. Caring for kefir fungi should be very carefully, as it can lose its useful qualities and die.

How useful is kefir fungus?

Kefir, cooked on the basis of a mushroom, in comparison with the usual kefir, is much more useful. This is due to the fact that the drink is obtained by lactic acid and alcohol fermentation occurring simultaneously.

Kefir is very useful due to lacto and bifidobacteria, enzymes, proteins, vitamins A , D, PP, group B, folic acid, calcium, iodine, iron and other useful substances in its composition. This drink has undeniable benefits in the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines. The substances that make up its composition have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, and therefore kefir helps to get rid of gastritis, stomach ulcers and colitis. Due to the choleretic and spasmolytic effect, kefir promotes the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

Useful kefir fungus for people who want to lose weight. With regular use of the drink, not only digestion is normalized, but the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. In addition, kefir is an excellent tool to prevent the emergence of vitamin deficiency.

Kefir is rich in vitamins of group B, due to what it helps to cope with diseases of the nervous system. It helps improve the efficiency, memory, attention and normalization of "sleep-wakefulness". The drink improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

It is recommended to consume kefir to people suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus , since it has the ability to perfectly normalize blood sugar levels. It also helps to get rid of infectious diseases and kidney problems.

No less useful is yogurt when used externally for the skin, whitening it, normalizing its fat balance, smoothing small wrinkles and eliminating pigment spots. To strengthen hair and cure baldness, it is necessary to make masks based on this drink. This is especially true in the winter.

With a view to improving the body and preventing diseases, it is necessary to drink 1 glass of the drink daily. For the treatment of any The disease needs 700 milliliters of kefir divided into several receptions and a drink during the day. And the last reception should be no later than 1 hour before the night rest. The duration of treatment is 20 days, then it is important to take a break in 10 days. The course of kefir therapy should not be more than 1 year.

Harm of kefir fungus

Harm from kefir fungus is possible with individual intolerance of the body of dairy products. In addition, to refrain from consuming kefir is necessary during the period of taking medications. People who have an increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to give preference to the drink, prepared for no more than 12 hours.