Rhinitis of the pregnant

Runny nose is a fairly common ailment, especially in cold seasons. However, there is a special kind of rhinitis - a rhinitis of pregnant women, which overtakes almost every young mother. It is unpleasant. In this article, we will talk in detail about how to treat rhinitis during pregnancy.

The causes of the development of this unpleasant disease are significant hormonal changes, which are due to the fact that the level of circulating blood rises. As a rule, due to this, the nose lays and becomes difficult to breathe. However, do not despair, rhinitis during pregnancy is not uncommon, now you can find a lot of information about this disease, which will allow you to more effectively get rid of this trouble.

Symptoms of the disease

Rhinitis of pregnant women has its own symptoms, which must necessarily be aware of the girl who is expecting a baby. When they appear, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician about the appropriate treatment.

Here are the main manifestations of the disease, for them you can determine if you have rhinitis of pregnant women, whose treatment should not be postponed:

It is important to remember that you must closely observe the symptoms. Rhinitis of pregnant women can be of several types and in order to determine which one is bothering you, pay attention to the manifestations of a disease that bothers the body.

If you have chronic rhinitis

First of all, we need to talk about the common cold, which has been troubling since childhood and begins to cause more and more discomfort in the most important period of life. This is the so-called chronic rhinitis during pregnancy, which is considered not dangerous. Do not worry about the health of the baby, you can afford to periodically dig in a nose pinosol or breathe eucalyptus. Symptoms are quite simple: nasal congestion and poor sleep.

Speaking of vasomotor rhinitis

The second type of disease is vasomotor rhinitis in pregnancy, which is also quite common. This type is much more difficult with respect to symptoms and can cause general weakness of the body. With vasomotor rhinitis, you will feel a headache, worsening breathing, losing your appetite and practically stop sleeping. As a treatment, doctors recommend a special operation called septoplasty. However, you must first consult with your doctor in order to properly treat vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women, because this may depend on the health of your offspring.

Acute rhinitis in pregnancy

The next type of nose disease, which will be discussed further, is acute rhinitis in pregnancy. This disease is unpleasant because it can lead to infection or chronic sinusitis in the future. Symptoms include weight loss, worsening of breathing and migraine. Treatment of this rhinitis during pregnancy is also not too difficult, you just need to get warmer and drink more liquid.

More about hormonal rhinitis

The last point to talk about is hormonal rhinitis, which has rather safe symptoms, such as: sleep deterioration, nasal congestion, mood swings.

To the main question of how to treat rhinitis in pregnant women, you need to take responsibility in order to protect yourself and your baby.