Cream from scars and scars

Until recently, getting rid of scars or scars on the skin was almost impossible. To date, the situation has changed - many methods of combating any irregularities in the skin, including even deep scars, have been invented. Each of these methods is distinguished by a high price, but when a ugly scar is on the face or other open area of ​​the body, a woman is ready to spend any money to get rid of it.

The cream of scars and scars is the most popular remedy. This is due to the fact that the cream can be easily used at home. However, the cream against scars and scars can be difficult to get - it is not sold in every pharmacy. Basically, these funds are purchased through intermediaries-distributors. To date, you can buy the following drugs:

  1. Cream for scars and scar removal "Kontraktubeks". This remedy effectively removes shallow scars on the skin. In the damaged area ointment should be rubbed 2-3 times a day for 3 months. To enhance the effect, this cream from scars is recommended to be administered under the skin in clinical conditions with the help of ultrasound.
  2. Cream from Kelofibraz scars. This product is manufactured in Germany and is used to smooth the skin. Regular use of the cream improves blood circulation under the skin, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Silicone plates "Spenko" (Spenco). This plate is made of silicone and is almost transparent. Dimensions of the plate - 10 cm by 10 cm. The plate effectively fights practically with all kinds of scars. It should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin and fixed with an elastic bandage or plaster. 2 times a day, the plate should be removed and washed. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 months, depending on the depth of the scar.
  4. Liquid cream for the healing of scars and scars based on collodion with silicone. After application to the scar, the cream freezes and turns into a dense film. The film squeezes the scar and promotes the healing of tissues. The cream should be applied 2 times a day and do not rinse. This cream is very effective against scars on the face and other areas with delicate skin.
  5. Liquid cream for the healing of scars and scar Scarguard. The agent is applied to the face with a special brush and dries very quickly to form a transparent film. The film prevents irritation of damaged tissues and squeezes them, promoting healing. The composition of the cream includes silicone, vitamins and active ingredients, which soften the healed tissue. The cream should be applied 2 times a day for one to six months, depending on the depth of the scar.
  6. Cream from scars and scars Zeraderm Ultra. This agent, after application to the skin, forms a strong, water-repellent membrane that acts on the damaged area of ​​the skin at the molecular level. This scar cream is often used after surgery, as well as, for the treatment of children. The product has the property of protection from ultraviolet rays, moreover, over means can be applied cosmetics, so Zeraderm Ultra is considered the best cream from the scars on the face. Use the cream 2 times a day for 2 months

The cream for resorption of scars and scars is effective only in case the skin damage is not deep. For deep and large scars, more potent methods of treatment are needed - hormonal therapy, laser, ultrasound, grinding. The cream, resorbing scars is recommended to be used as an additional remedy, and also, for the prevention of skin wounds.