Mint syrup

There is nothing better on hot summer days than enjoying drinks or desserts with a refreshing mint flavor. Mint syrup - that's what will help you in a few seconds to cook any dish, be it pancakes, ice cream, Mojito cocktail , mint tea , or even a cake. If you want to always have a natural fragrant product on hand - we will teach you how to make a mint syrup yourself. Be careful, now we will share with you the secrets, the preparation of an excellent mint syrup with a minimum of costs.

The main secret of the successful preparation of natural mint syrup is the amount of mint. Half a liter of water requires at least 50 g of green raw materials. If you do not know how to make mint syrup even more saturated with ethereal mint oils, then just take 100 grams, or more, of mint leaves for 500 ml of water.

In no case do not boil the mint syrup for more than 15 minutes, long boiling kills the fragrance. Help to prepare a unique taste mint syrup, the recipes described below.

Mint syrup (classic recipe)



We rinse and sort the leaves of mint. We rinse them into a gruel with a wooden pestle. Add water, sugar and boil in enameled dishes for no more than one minute. Remove from the fire and let it cool completely, filter. We store in a clean and dry glass container in the refrigerator, no more than six months.

Mint syrup from dried mint



Dry mint, chopping with hands, pour boiling water, and let it brew under the lid for 40 minutes. Filter, add sugar and cook, about 10 minutes, until the sugar dissolves completely. Useful mint syrup is ready.

Mint syrup "Spicy"



Mint thoroughly and pour water. Let's brew for about 30 minutes. Then strain and add sugar to the infusion. We boil in several receptions. At the end of the mint syrup preparation, add ginger or cinnamon.

Correctly prepared mint syrup has a thick consistency, rich mint flavor and color of freshly harvested honey.