Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster is a disease that is more commonly known as shingles, a common ailment that occurs mostly in people over 50 years old. But since it is a viral infection, quite often young people suffer from the Zostera virus.

Causes of herpes zoster

Herpes zoster affects the skin, going along the nerves. It is caused by the appearance of the virus Varicella zoster, which is also the causative agent of chicken pox. After a successful recovery, he "lives" in the cells of the spinal cord of people who have had "chickenpox", and does not manifest himself at all. But, if a person's immunity decreases, the virus again "raises his head". Therefore, the reasons for the occurrence of herpes zoster in humans include:

Symptoms of herpes zoster

Herpes zoster virus affects various nerve fibers, but most often intercostal and triple nerves: these are the nerves of the upper and lower jaws and the nerve that innervates the eye orbit.

Symptoms of this disease are divided into groups, as it proceeds in several stages:

  1. Prodromal period - the patient has unpleasant pain in the course of the nerve. This may be accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition and even an increase in temperature. This period lasts from 1 to 5 days.
  2. Rash period - at this stage, the herpes zoster appears on the head or body in the form of bubbles with transparent contents. In some cases, this content may be with a trace of blood or black.
  3. Period of healing - with a favorable course of the disease, crusts form on the site of the rash. Most often this process lasts 2 - 3 weeks.

Particularly severe is the herpes zoster, which appears on the face. It can affect the trigeminal nerve, the branches of which innervate the eyes and ears. Rashes appear on the eye mucosa, eyelids, auricle and auditory passage, which leads to damage to sensory organs.

Treatment of herpes zoster

Treatment of herpes zoster should be shared by several doctors: dermatologists, ophthalmologists (if the eye form), neurologists and therapists. Only complex therapy will lead to a favorable outcome. In the treatment it is necessary to use antiviral drugs. These can be tablets Valaciclovir or Acyclovir .

Also the patient of herpes zoster should take immunomodulators (Genferon, Cycloferon) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nemisil) and treat the affected surfaces with Herpferon ointment or a solution of brilliant green. Do not interfere with the patient's vitamin therapy and consumption in large quantities of foods rich in vitamin C. Strictly forbidden to those who have rashes, swim and drink alcohol. This will only aggravate the condition.

Many do not know if the patient with herpes zoster is infected or not, and during the treatment they continue to contact their loved ones. The shingles are transmitted from the sick person to adults and children who have never been sick with "chickenpox", but only while fresh vesicles are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude contact with healthy people, but until the time when the sores begin to become crusted.

Now the vaccine against herpes zoster is very popular, but the effectiveness of this vaccine is very doubtful. It really reduces the incidence of infection in all age groups and even among people with chronic diseases. But, having put such an inoculation, you can not be 100% sure that the shingles will bypass you.