Methods of fighting with a bear in the garden

None of the gardeners is immune from the appearance on the site of a very voracious creature, capable of spoiling almost all planted crops. This is a bear, the methods of combating it in the garden people improve from year to year, because the neighborhood with an insect does not bring good.

Means of fighting against the bear

It is impossible to answer in a monosyllabic manner at a painful question, which method of fighting a bear will be the most effective. After all, this insect is very difficult to destroy because of its large number and resistance to chemistry, developed over the years.

As a measure for fighting with the bear, chemical preparations that are buried in the ground around the perimeter or in the hole when plants are planted are well established. In addition, the root of the seedling is treated with the pesticide, which will be buried in the soil. After the bear has tasted such a treat, it will be possible to gather it already barely alive in the morning. Here is an incomplete list of proven means:

As a repeller of the bear from the site, marigolds, chrysanthemums , garlic and other fragrant plants are used, which insects do not tolerate. To the same smells is the spoiled fish, which the ants do not tolerate.

In the holes are poured boiling water with laundry soap, vegetable oil, a mixture of sand and kerosene is covered.

Device for combating the bear

People noticed that when using ultrasonic repellents for moles, the bear goes away from the site. About her dislike for harsh sounds has been known for a long time and people have unsuccessfully used metal pins, hammered into the ground on which plastic bottles were worn. From the wind they made a sound, transmitted to the soil, and the bear went away.

Dung Traps

In order to destroy as many as possible of the bears, pits, up to 50 cm deep, filled with manure, will perfectly fit. In August-September they are filled, and with the onset of frosts, manure is spread out, in which insects have gathered to winter. They can not withstand a low temperature and die. Using a set of measures, it is quite possible to defeat a bear in his garden. But one should not relax, as these winged individuals can fly from neighbors again populating the liberated area.