Hydrogel for plants

Hydrogel is a relatively young invention in floriculture. Hydrogel for plants is a small granule of a special sterile polymer, which absorbs a large amount of water, gradually increasing in size. Then the hydrogel gives this moisture to the plants. In this article, we learn more about the hydrogel for flowers and how to use it correctly.

Hydrogel for flowers - varieties

The hydrogel balls are of two types:

  1. Soft - this hydrogel is usually colorless and is used to germinate seeds, grow seedlings, introduce into the soil of adult plants to increase the gap between watering. Its structure allows the roots to penetrate inside and get moisture out of it along with microelements.
  2. Thick hydrogel (aqua) - is mainly used as decorative, because it has different shapes and colors. It can be not only balls, but also cubes, and pyramids of various shades. They are mainly used for planting cuttings. The plant lives well in the aqua-grunt, if it is regularly added a little diluted in water fertilizer. Very original looks vase with flowers, filled with such a hydrogel.

Hydrogel - instructions for use

If it is a color hydrogel for plants and you have several of its varieties, then soak each color in different containers. Pour the balls into a bowl (vase, pot, glass), pour the amount of water indicated on the package. If you poured too much, do not worry - the balls absorb the water exactly as much as they should. Excess fluid you then simply merge. If the balls, on the contrary, do not gain the right size, add more water.

Use the polymer balls can be after 8-12 hours. They are moved to a container where the flower will be grown. The roots of the plant are carefully washed from the ground before planting. If you plant the stalk, it's still easier - just put it in the balls.

Do not forget to pour a little water in the container. You can periodically collect the top layer of balls and soak them for a couple of hours in water. But never fill the granules with water "with your head" - this will lead to the death of the plant.

If you need to prepare a soft hydrogel, also follow the instructions on the package. Soak these granules need only 2 hours. They absorb liquid much faster, and within an hour you can add a diluted fertilizer.

The ready swollen filler is mixed with the soil and the plant is planted in this mixture. By the way, this compound can be used not only for indoor plants, but also for beds. In this case, the hydrogel is introduced into the soil in dry form, abundantly watering before it the soil itself.

The dry hydrogel can not be added to the pot because it swells after the swelling and can seriously damage the root system of the plant and even completely extrude the plant from the pot.

Advantages of hydrogel for plants

This invention has a huge number of advantages. First, it is environmentally safe and it never breeds gnats, bacteria and other parasites, which often annoy plants and their hosts. Secondly, the soft hydrogel in the soil, in excess watering, absorbs more moisture and does not allow the soil to turn sour.

In addition, a soft hydrograph allows owners to leave home for a relatively long time and not be afraid that their favorite plants they will die from drought. If you water the plant a little more than usual, the soaked moisture will gradually be given to the roots, and the flower will feel excellent.

Color aqua gaunt looks incredibly beautiful in transparent pots and vases. It can be alternated in layers, building a unique composition. A vase with such a filler is not turned over by a cat that came to drink, as is usually the case with a vase full of water. And except as a filler for plants, this hydrogel is used as an air freshener , adding aromatic substances to it.