Plum pouring

Pouring from the plum is very easy to prepare, but at the same time it has an amazing taste and amazing aroma. In different countries it is made entirely according to different recipes and with the addition of various ingredients. We offer you several well-proven recipes for the preparation of plum.

Plum pouring on vodka

If you are a true gourmet and a connoisseur of home-made alcoholic beverages, and also like to experiment, then try to prepare tasty and saturated nourishment according to the recipe described below.



For the preparation of this liqueur, it is best to take an acid-sweet plum variety, for example Rencloed. So, the berries are thoroughly washed, wiped with a towel and remove the bones. Then put the plums in clean jars, pouring evenly with sugar, but do not fill the tank to the top. We close the jars with a strong cloth and put it out for a couple of days in the sun. During this time, we shake them periodically so that all the berries are well moistened with the evolved juice.

After the specified period, fill the plums with pure vodka, tightly close the jars with covers and put it for a month in a dark place. During this time, you need 3-4 times to carefully pour the filling from the jar with the berries to another container and then pour it back. A month later, the finished drink is filtered through gauze and bottled. That's all, the cream from the sink is ready! We are waiting for the holidays and with pleasure we take a sample.

Recipe for Pouring from a Plum



Wash the plums well and dry on a clean towel. Now we take a stick of cinnamon, cut the ginger root into pieces and lower it to the bottom of the jar so that the filling will have a rich flavor. After that, fill the three-liter can with plums, fill it with sugar and pour it with vodka, filling it with a container to the top, not reaching the neck a few centimeters. Then close the top with a plastic lid and remove the drink for 30 days to insist in a dark cool place. A month later, we take a neat sample and pour the liquid over beautiful bottles.

Home pouring from plums

We offer you another recipe for the preparation of liqueurs, but not on vodka, but simply on water. In this case, the drink will be produced by natural fermentation.



Plums pour into the sink, pour warm water and thoroughly rinse. Then shift to the kitchen towel, dry and cut in half to gently extract the bones from them. Next, put the fruits in a glass container, pour in the sugar and pour in boiled water. From above we tie the neck with clean gauze and put the container in a warm place for about 2-4 days.

When the first signs of fermentation appear, when bubbles and foam appear on the surface of the wort, bottle we install a water seal or simply put on a medical glove with a punctured hole in one finger. We maintain the drink for 20-30 days until the fermentation is complete. Now filter the wort through gauze and cotton wool. We squeeze the pulp with good hands, and the resulting liquid is again passed through a cotton filter and mixed with the rest of the drink. Ready plum pouring is poured into bottles, tightly clogged and aged for about 3 months in a cool dark place. After the time has elapsed, the drink can be poured and handed to the table for testing.

If you like homemade alcoholic beverages, then we recommend making black currant or cranberry .