Kvass from barley - recipe

Kvass in Russia was considered not just a soft drink that perfectly quenches thirst, but it was also equated with medicines. The value of kvass manifested itself in its vitamin wealth, because during the Great Lent it was he who was considered the main source of health and strength. How to prepare a real kvass from barley at home, we will describe in detail below.

The recipe for barley kvass

Since most of the recipes of modern kvass contain yeast in their composition, it is absolutely not recommended to use them. The reason for this is the purine bases with which yeast is rich. It is these grounds that contribute to the deposition of salts in the body. To protect your health, prepare natural kvass using only two ingredients. Which ones? Read below.



Oats are well washed and put in a jar, volume of 3 liters. If you are going to drink the very first infusion, then it is desirable to boil water, but usually the very first drink is poured, since it hardly possesses a classic "kvass" taste. Together with water, add 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and thoroughly mix everything. put the container with oats in a cool place and leave for 3-4 days. At the end of time, the old infusion is drained off, and the oat grains are poured with fresh (boiled and cooled) water with the addition of all the same amount of sugar. After 3-5 days a drink can be tried. Keep in mind that the longer the kvass costs, the more dramatic it gets, so fans of a really vigorous drink can repeat the procedure and pour the grains with fresh water and sugar repeatedly.

If you do not observe the thermal regime during the ripening of the drink, the liquid can become very viscous. In this case, do not worry, just drain and replace it with fresh water.

Kvass from barley, cooked at home, will fit not only to quench your thirst on a hot day, but also as a basis for classic okroshki .

Rye kvass from barley malt



From flour, malt and 400 ml of water, knead the dough. We bake buns from such a dough in the oven in 2 stages: the first - at 70 degrees 1 hour, and the second - 45 minutes at 175 degrees. Bread is cut into cubes and baked at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Fill 300 grams of biscuits with water with the addition of yeast and sugar and leave in a cool place for a day, after which the drink can be cooled and poured.