A compote of peaches for the winter - the best recipes of tasty preservation

Having prepared a compote of peaches for the winter, you can fully enjoy the taste of summer fruits in the off-season and enjoy a fragrant and rich drink. Combining your favorite fruits with other fruits, it will be profitable to emphasize the taste of each component, and get a new workpiece by properties.

How to cook compote of peaches for the winter?

Peach compote can be not only a delicious refined drink. With the proper implementation of the technology of recipes and an adequate choice of raw materials, fruits that can be consumed simply by enjoying their excellent taste, or using pulp for salad preparation, adding to pastries or other dishes, will turn out to be surprisingly tasty.

  1. For harvesting, only exceptionally fragrant and ripe fruit is chosen, but necessarily with a firm, slightly firm, not over-ripened flesh.
  2. The selected specimens are thoroughly washed, to the maximum free of hairiness, if desired, rid of pits and peel and put into prepared sterilized jars.
  3. The degree of concentration and sweetness of compote can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the amount of fruit and sugar
  4. Compote of peaches for the winter with whole fruits is not recommended to store for more than a year.

Simple compote of peaches for the winter

The simplest compote of peaches for the winter without sterilization can be prepared according to the recipe below. The quantity of sugar is calculated on reception of moderately sweet delicacy and it can be increased or decreased if desired. After capping, the cans are turned upside down and kept in wrapped form for at least 24 hours. The proportions of the constituents are given for the preparation of one can of 3 liters.



  1. Prepared peaches are poured into cans, poured with boiled water.
  2. After 20 minutes, the water is poured into a saucepan and placed on a fire.
  3. In the banks fall asleep sugar and after boiling, the infusion is poured into the cans again.
  4. Seal containers sealed.
  5. After cooling in a wrapped form, a compote of fresh peaches is sent for storage in a pantry.

Compote of halves of peaches for the winter - a recipe

Compote of peaches for pitted winter can be stored for a long time (2-3 years). To implement the recipe, you need to pick up ripe fruits with dense flesh, which easily and simply separates the stone. To do this, make a cut along the perimeter of the fruit circle, turn the halves in opposite directions and separate from the stone. If desired, the fruits can be removed from the skins. The calculation is given in 3 liter containers.



  1. Peaches blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, put into cold water and peel.
  2. Cut the fruits into halves, remove the bones.
  3. Water boils, dissolve sugar in it, boil a couple of minutes.
  4. Put fruit in clean jars, pour in syrup.
  5. Cover the vessels with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  6. Capping peach compote for the winter is hermetic and after cooling is sent to storage in a dark place.

A compote of whole peaches for the winter

It is easier and faster to prepare compote from whole peaches. The following recipe assumes filling of three-liter containers only on third: in each bank it is necessary to put approximately on five small fruits. Ready drink can in this case drink not diluted, enjoying the moderate sweetness of canned peaches.



  1. Lay the washed peaches in a sterile jar, pour boiling water and leave until cooling.
  2. Drain the infusion, once again bring to a boil, pour into the jar.
  3. After an hour, the last time they drain the liquid, boil it and fill it with fruits, before pouring sugar into the container.
  4. Seal the compote of peaches for the winter , wrap up to cool.

Compote of peaches and apricots for the winter

With minimal effort, you can prepare and compote of apricots and peaches. In this case, for the balance of taste, add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid to each can of 3 liters before the last filling. The proportions of fruit can be arbitrary - the taste of the drink will be different, but in any case gorgeous.



  1. Wash apricots and peaches in cans.
  2. Fill the fruit with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain the infusion, boil again and pour it again into the jar.
  4. After half an hour, drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, give the syrup to boil and pour into a jar, into which citric acid is added.
  5. Seal the compote of apricots and peaches for the winter, wrap up to cool.

Compote of peaches and nectarines for the winter

Peaches perfectly combine in various preparations with nectarines and compotes are no exception. Fruits harmoniously complement each other, creating a magnificent for all parameters of the drink. In addition, having prepared a similar preparation, in winter you can simultaneously eat two kinds of fruit or use them for cooking.



  1. Prepared fruit is placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling water and after 30 minutes poured into a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. Repeat the filling again, then pour sugar into the jar, pour boiling infusion.
  3. Seal the compote of peaches and nectarines and wrap it until it cools.

Compote of peaches and apples

A compote of peaches, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared with the addition of apples, which give the finished beverage a special taste, a pleasant sourness and enrich its aroma. Both these fruits can be used in their entirety or rid them of seeds, cores with seeds and cut into slices or halves.



  1. In a three-liter jar put the prepared fruit, pour boiling water, after 20 minutes drain.
  2. Sugar is poured into the jar, poured into infusion preheated to boiling, corked, wrapped.

Compote of peaches and oranges

Especially fragrant and delicious turns compote of peaches, if you add fruits to orange. The originality of the drink and its refinement will be appreciated even by fastidious gourmets. In this case, citrus fruits are used together with zest, but to obtain a softer and unobtrusive taste, the fruits can be pre-cleaned.



  1. Peaches blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, after which, if desired, cut in half and rid of pits.
  2. In the same water add sugar and acid, bring the syrup to a boil and dip into it half the fruit.
  3. There, lay the sliced ​​orange circles, bring the contents to a boil.
  4. To prepare a compote of peaches and oranges for the winter, pour it on cans, sterilize 20 minutes, cork.

Compote of peaches and plums

Complementing in the compote peaches plums, you will get a rich and fragrant drink, which in winter will please the summer fruit flavor. This recipe attracts especially unpretentious performance: prepared, carefully washed fruits are put together with sugar in sterile cans, poured with steep boiling water and sealed.



  1. In a three-liter container, lay fruit, sprinkle sugar.
  2. Pour the contents with boiling water, cork, carefully wrap in an inverted form for 2 days.
  3. Move the compote from peaches and plums for the winter to the cellar or cellar.

Compote of peaches and pears

Preparation of compote of peaches for the winter according to the following recipe is reduced to the preparation of fruit and syrup and subsequent sterilization of the billet. The composition of the drink in this case is supplemented with fragrant juicy pears, which will make the drink even more delicious and aromatic. If desired, you can add a little grapes to the jar.



  1. Rid the peaches from the bones, cutting in half.
  2. Pears are cut into 4 longitudinal segments, the core is cut out.
  3. Put the fruit in a jar.
  4. Mix the water with sugar, allow to boil, boil for 10 minutes, pour syrup on peaches and pears.
  5. Sterilize the cans for 15 minutes, cap, wrap.