How to fix a child's handwriting?

If teachers complain about the child's handwriting, and you can not make out the text written by his hand, you need to understand the reasons that influence it. Uncanny handwriting can be manifested in different ways - frequent blots, jumping letters, illegible words, etc.

Possible reasons for inaccurate handwriting:

  1. Violation of fine motor skills of the fingers.
  2. Poor development of the hands.
  3. Excessive activity.
  4. Violation of concentration of attention.
  5. Neuroses and other neurological diseases.

The interpretation of handwriting from the point of view of graphology

The manner in which letters and words are written can tell us about certain features of a person's character and its hidden potential. Think, perhaps, it is not necessary to break the temperament of the child and his predisposition to any qualities of the individual. Let's consider the reasoning of scientists:

Correction of handwriting in children and methods of its correction in children

If, nevertheless, calligraphy causes difficulties for the baby and creates a lot of problems in school, then you can try to correct the accuracy of the letter. In this you can help writing notebooks. They are drawn oblique lines and shows examples of writing letters, it is also possible to trace letters on dotted contours.

Help in correcting handwriting in children drawing, modeling, playing stringed and keyboard instruments.

Develop a step-by-step concept for correcting handwriting, and follow it regularly. For example, allocate fifteen minutes each day for writing, fifteen for drawing (try to draw some drawings around the outline), and ten minutes for exercises to develop fine finger motility.

Exercises for correcting handwriting

Do the exercises before and after writing.

Exercise 1.

The child puts his hands on the table, in turn raises and lowers each finger over the table, moving from one hand to the other. Then he lifts the same fingers in turn on both hands.

Exercise 2

Spread a few pencils or pens on the table. Let the child try to collect all pencils in a fist, with the help of one hand, and then the second. When all the pencils are collected, they need to be returned to the table, again with only one hand.

Exercise 3

The kid must hold the pencil between the index and middle finger. Let him try to draw some figures, without bending the palm, and fixing the position of the pencil.

Exercise 4

Take a tennis ball (or another similar size), let the child put it in the palm of your hand and straighten it. The ball must be rolled forward and back, in a circle, without bending the palm.

Exercise 5

Think of the popular children's book, "We read, we wrote." It should be done if the child begins to complain about fatigue of the hands and fingers.

We read, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired.

We will rest a little,

And again we'll start writing!

Movements can be arbitrary, the main thing is to turn on the clamping and unclenching of the jaws and the rotation with the brush.

How to fix the handwriting of a teenager?

With teenagers it is a little more difficult, after all them it is required pereuchivat, instead of to train the letter. The most important thing in working with a teenager is motivation. It is necessary to inform the emerging personality that the intelligibility of the text will be necessary for him in later life. For example, when he will study at the university. It is necessary to write there dictation not only quickly, but also legibly. After all, then it will be necessary to be able to read and understand what was written, in order to learn the material.