Stella McCartney called on Hollywood stars to support the campaign against gender violence

The UN General Assembly, on November 25, 2000, calls for the observance of the Day of Struggle for the Elimination of Violence against Women around the world. On the eve of celebrating and honoring women who fight for gender equality and oppose gender-based violence, many charitable foundations and Hollywood stars offer and participate in social initiatives. Actors, models and musicians do not stand aside and actively manifest their position through social networks.

A badge with a white ribbon is a symbol of the struggle against violence!

For five years, Stella McCartney, one of the active volunteers of the White Ribbon charity campaign ("White Ribbon"), is calling for support for her friends. Each of the participants should be photographed with a badge with a white ribbon, a symbol of the struggle against violence against women.

Stella argues that the problem of gender-based violence is one of the most serious and inconvenient. According to her:

We are used to the fact that most often they do not speak about it or are uncomfortable with the discussion. Our "tacit consent to the continuation of violence" only exacerbates the problem, therefore our activities are aimed at drawing attention and fighting. White Ribbon calls on everyone who is not indifferent to become a champion of women's rights.
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Over the past few days, Dakota Johnson, Salma Hayek, Keith Hudson, Jamie Dornan and many others have joined the campaign. In their Instagram stars made a photo with a badge, thereby confirming that they support the action.