Corn between toes

Inconvenient and too narrow shoes, sweating, as well as the need for prolonged standing lead to the appearance of various injuries to the skin of the feet. The most annoying is the callus between the toes, as it is extremely painful and long heals. In addition, such wounds, in the absence of treatment, harden, and can be transformed into a solid carapace with a stem.

What causes a dry and wet callus between the toes?

In addition to the above reasons, the problem under consideration arises against a background of certain diseases:

Under the influence of the above factors, the skin first forms a "dropsy" - a blister with a lymphoid fluid inside. After its opening, the wound remains, which is gradually transformed into a dense corn between the toes and the stem.

Avoid this process is possible if the time to begin therapy of rubbed skin and prevent it from drying out.

How can I remove various calluses between my toes?

Treatment of a small blister is carried out with drugs that dry, disinfect and promote healing:

Large "dropsy" must be pierced with a needle treated with antiseptic, and gently squeeze out their liquid without cutting the peel. After such manipulation, it is necessary to lubricate the wound with Levomecol ointment and seal with bactericidal plaster.

There are a lot of ways to get rid of the hard callus between the toes, but the most safe is its gradual removal. It is necessary to steam out the feet in a bath and gently treat the rough skin with pumice. After this, it is recommended to apply any keratolytic agent with salicylic acid or apply a special patch.

If a rod has already formed, it will not be possible to manage by home methods. Its extraction should be carried out only by a specialist through laser exposure or cryodestruction.

Treatment of chronic callus between toes with folk remedies

Alternative medicine suggests combating the problem in question in a comprehensive manner.

First you need to do baths, softening the skin, with these components:

After careful treatment of the callus, compresses should be applied on the basis of the following products:

It is worth noting that these drugs are suitable only for the treatment of dry onoptosis, it is better to remove corns with modern medicine.