Mushroom sauce from dried mushrooms

Mushroom sauce from dried mushrooms perfectly complements and brings variety in meat and potato dishes. It is not difficult to prepare it. The most important thing is to stock up with dried mushrooms from the autumn and to please the family with original dishes even every day. Today we will tell you how to prepare mushroom sauce from dried mushrooms.

Sauce from dried mushrooms



Dry mushrooms are washed, poured with filtered water and leave to infuse overnight. Then put them in a clean pan, add more water and boil until fully cooked. After that, carefully take out their noise and crush them with a knife. We clean the onion, finely chop and passer until soft on the warmed oil. Next, add the white mushrooms and, stirring, fry everything until cooked. Flour brown individually in butter, pour gradually a few glasses of hot mushroom broth and cook, stirring, about 15 minutes. Then we spread vegetables, salt, pepper and remove from heat. Sauce from the dried white mushrooms is covered with a lid and we give it a little insisting.

Sauce from dried mushrooms with sour cream



Mushrooms are thoroughly washed and soaked in one liter of filtered water for several hours. Then put them on medium heat, cover with a lid and boil until soft. Next, carefully, take out their noise, slightly cool and cut into random pieces. The bulb is cleaned, rinsed, finely shredded with a knife and passer in a small amount of oil until golden hue is obtained. After that, add the prepared mushrooms and mix. Flour lightly browned separately in a dry frying pan, pour the melted butter and carefully mix everything. Gradually pour in hot mushroom broth and weighed the mixture with a weak boil until thick. Now add the vegetable roast, throw the shredded greens and spices. At the very end we put the sour cream, stir everything with a spoon, bring it to a boil and remove the sauce from the fire.

Creamy sauce with dried mushrooms



Purified bulb shredded and wessed until soft. Then add crushed mushrooms, mix and cook the vegetables for about 10 minutes. Then transfer them to the blender bowl, add spice to taste, add cream and whisk each well. Now pour the received mass into the saucepan, warm it up a bit and remove it from the fire. When serving, dress the sauce with crushed fresh herbs.

Mushroom sauce from dried mushrooms with pepper



Shallots are processed, grinded and fried in a small amount of rice oil for about 3 minutes. Then add the mushrooms cut in small slices and the Bulgarian pepper, previously cleaned and washed. When all the moisture evaporates from the mushrooms, add some vegetables and pour a little white wine. We mark 5 minutes, and when the alcohol is not much weathered, throw the crushed basil and remove the sauce from the fire. We give him some time to stand, with the lid closed, and then we serve to the table!