Beef chicken - recipe

The festive table in our country rarely does without everyone's favorite holodtsa. It should be noted that almost every housewife has her own recipe for this dish, but we'll still talk about how to make the dish even better.

How to cook beef jelly?



Rinse the meat well and put it in a saucepan. Fill with cold water so that it is completely covered. Boil the meat to a boil on high heat, then reduce to the smallest. Broth should almost not boil. Always remove the foam until it stops coming. Meat should be cooked for about 6 hours without a lid. Approximately one hour before the end of cooking, add to the broth peeled onions and carrots. Add pepper, bay leaf and salt. The readiness of the meat can be determined by the fact that it begins to separate freely from the bones. When the meat is cooked, pull out the vegetables and spices. Carrot set aside. Put the meat in a dish and separate from the bones. In a container with high sides, place the meat, divided into small pieces, put the pressed garlic on top and pour a strained broth. Decorate with cold carrot rounds. Then cool the cold and leave it overnight in the fridge. Before serving, remove the fat from above. Serve horseradish or mustard.

Beef and pork chilli



Rinse the meat well. Onions and carrots clean. Pour the water into a large saucepan, put meat and vegetables into it. Cook until the meat is completely separated from the bones. Then salt the broth and cook for another 5 minutes. Put the meat on a dish and carefully select the bones. Put the meat in deep plates, put the garlic and carrot mugs cut into pieces. Fill the meat with filtered broth and leave in the refrigerator for 11-12 hours.

If you do not like pork, then you can replace the meat and cook the jelly from beef and chicken.

Beef chicken in multivarquet - recipe

This recipe is chosen for those housewives who have a multivark at home. The advantages of making a chill in this way is that you spend much less time preparing the broth itself and you do not need to follow the cooking process all the time.



Pork legs rinse well and scrape. Beef also rinse and cut into medium chunks. In a bowl multivarka lay out meat, peeled vegetables, spices. Fill the water to the maximum mark and salt. In "Game" mode, prepare the dish for a little over an hour. Eggs boil hard, peel and cut into two slices. Lay eggs with egg yolk up into deep plates. Garlic is also cleaned, cut into slices and put into a bowl. Once the meat is ready, cut it into small pieces and put into the plates along with the sliced ​​carrots. Broth the broth, and pour in the meat. Leave in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Beef chowder with gelatin

The principle of preparation of a caviar with gelatin is the same as that of a simple chill. Gelatin serves as an additional thickener. To do this, you just need to pour gelatin with water and allow it to swell. Then put in a water bath until completely dissolved. When the broth is ready, add the gelatin to it and boil again. Already prepared broth with gelatin fill the meat.