Art therapy in kindergarten

Recently, more and more kindergartens are used in their work, the so-called art therapy. Most often this term can be found in private and private gardens. Under this word understand the activities with children associated with a variety of artistic creativity.

In this article we will talk about the benefits that art therapy can bring to children in kindergarten, and what is the methodology of such activities.

What are the benefits of art therapy exercises for preschoolers?

All kinds of art classes not only reveal the creative potential of the child, but also contribute to the formation of his correct worldview. In general, art therapy in the DOW is aimed at the development of logic, thinking, memory, imagination, speech and attention.

In addition, regular creativity classes form the skills of successful interaction between children and adults. During the training the child gets rid of stress and mental stress, and also learns to be attentive and focused.

Types and methods of art therapy

There are the following types of art therapy for preschoolers:

In kindergarten, all these types of art therapy are usually used in the complex, which contributes to the full and comprehensive development of children. The complex system of art therapy includes methods of isotherapy, in particular, drawing, modeling of plasticine, application, origami. In the process of teaching the fine arts, psychology educators can study in detail the inner world of the child and draw the parents' attention to any deviations.

In addition, a separate emphasis is placed on dance and music classes, as well as reading fiction. Teaching children using any methods of art therapy always takes place in a fun game form.