How to make a cube of matches?

Among the crafts of matches, the cube is central, because it serves as the basis for many more complex crafts. Several manipulations - and the cube is easily converted into a house or multi-tiered castle. Before you make a die of matches, you need to make a plastic stand that will make your work much easier. If working with a drill is not for you, try to make appropriate depressions in a thinly rolled out layer of polymer clay. When it dries, you can use it. You can try to build a cube of matches without glue, but it will be very fragile. If such an article falls into the hands of a child, then in a minute there will be a hill of matches in hand.

We will need:

  1. On the perimeter of the plastic stand we stick the matches. Our square should be without corners.
  2. Now we will assemble the bottom of the die of matches according to the following scheme:
  3. We proceed to assembling the side walls, placing the matches horizontally on each other.
  4. The upper lattice is constructed by superimposing matches in the same direction as in the first row. Then we lay them across. The last few matches are very tight, so you should act carefully.
  5. Pressing from all directions, carefully remove the cube from the stand and level, but without excessive fanaticism, so as not to break.
  6. On all sides stick on the match, so that our design is even stronger. The cube is now ready!

Now you know how to collect a cube of matches, which can be an excellent basis for more original and interesting crafts. You can also combine cubes from matches (both with glue and without it) to create real match masterpieces. And if you get something really beautiful, then you can open the product with lacquer and give it to loved ones as a souvenir.