Pregnant Katherine Heigl has published new photos and a message to future mothers

38-year-old actress Katherine Heigl, whom many know by roles in the pictures "27 weddings", "Naked Truth", as well as the series "Anatomy of Passion", is now waiting for the baby. Catherine refers to those women who consider pregnancy a natural and very joyful process, so any changes in appearance arouse her in full delight. In this regard, Heigl takes pictures of a growing tummy and shares these pictures with his fans on his page in Instagram.

Heigl - expert on pregnancy

Most recently, Catherine admitted that she now has a nineteenth week of pregnancy. In this regard, in her photoblog, the actress started another page and called it Those Heavenly Days. From the title it is clear that speech in this section will go about pregnancy. In addition, the actress explained why she started blogging about an interesting situation:

"Now I feel like I'm full of knowledge. I want to share this information with future moms. And if it is at least useful to someone, then I will be very happy. If I tell you in more detail, then in my blog you will find tips and tips on how to feel comfortable while waiting for the little girl, and much more. "

Under the last words, Catherine means placing on the site addresses of clothing stores for pregnant women and places where you can buy baby goods, useful information about cosmetics for expectant mothers, tips on nutrition and how to overcome some unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea or nasal congestion . By the way, to cope with the last indisposition Heigl helps a cup of loose coffee. In the opinion of the actress, this is absolutely not harmful, if her mother does not pursue high blood pressure.

In addition, Heigl continues to publish his "pregnant" pictures. The last was a picture of the actress standing at the window in the topic and leggings. Frame Catherine signed as follows:

"We are growing and it's great!".
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Heigl is already raising two daughters

Katherine Heigl and singer Josh Kelly were married by marriage in December 2007. The actress began to dream about the child, but for a long time she could not become pregnant, so in 2009 it was decided to take the girl Nancy Lee, who was born in 2008, from the shelter. Three years later, Catherine and Josh adopted another girl, who was named Adelaide Marie Hope. In June of this year, Heigl notified everyone that she was pregnant and was expecting a boy.