Mysteries about the spring for children

Curiosity is that character trait that is inherent in all babies without exception. Crumbs with great interest to know the world, observe the events and natural phenomena, learn to establish cause-effect relationships and gradually form their vision of the surrounding reality. That is why, even at an early stage of development, parents and teachers need to "lay a solid foundation," on the basis of which the personality of the little man will grow and develop. These are behavioral norms and rules, love and respect for relatives and close people, careful attitude to nature and knowledge of its laws. And if the first "can not" and "can" is clearly regulated within the interpersonal relations of parents and the child, then the acquaintance of the kids with nature, as a rule, goes according to the standard for all scheme. It starts the same way, from the first walks, mother stories and personal observations, then to the learning process rhymes and, of course, puzzles are connected.

It's about children's riddles about the seasons, and in particular about the spring, we'll talk today.

Why do we need children's puzzles?

Back in the distant past, our ancestors used riddles in their pedagogical practice. After all, in fact, a short poem in interrogative form is a unique opportunity to organize a learning process in the form of a game. Solving riddles, children learn to think, listen and hear (and this, you see, different things), to compare, analyze the information received; develop figurative and abstract thinking, memory and attention. At the same time, the kids get great pleasure from the process and satisfaction from the result, in case the answer was found correctly.

In addition, puzzles contribute to the development of the speech apparatus and increase the vocabulary, give an idea of ​​the rhythm of speech. In short, riddles are a unique opportunity not only to supplement the children's "baggage of knowledge", but also have fun.

Children's riddles about the spring

A wonderful time of the year is spring, it brings a lot of positive things and new questions into the life of small fidgets. Crumbs do not cease to be surprised by the changes that are taking place and are hurrying to get answers, on the questions they are interested in. It's time to resort to the help of spring puzzles for children, which will help make the learning process brighter and more fun, as well as consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Depending on the age and developmental features of the child, riddles about the spring of different complexity are chosen: short or long, ordinary or rhythmic, just about spring or about some specific object with which it is associated.

So, the smallest children aged 2-3 years old will come up with simple children's spring puzzles for children. For example:

The snow melts,

The meadow has come alive,

The day arrives ...

When does this happen? (In the spring)


Brooks run faster,

The sun is shining warm.

Sparrow weather is happy:

Looked to us a month ... (March)

If the kid finds it difficult to answer right away, do not rush him. And that he quickly realized what the essence of this game, parents can clearly demonstrate: my mother makes a guess, and my father guesses, then vice versa. Thus, the child will immediately understand that what will not slow down to join such an interesting fun.

Older children already know the main natural phenomena, the names of some spring flowers and birds, the habits of animals, but they need to further expand their horizons, vocabulary, learns to think and analyze. Therefore, riddles about the spring for children from 3 to 5 years, should be a bit more complicated:

A little bit warmed up -

The very first, the most courageous,

looked out of the snow coat

A small forest ... (Snowdrop)


The day was much longer,

Less time to sleep.

Away leads, leads the road,

And it goes ... (Spring)


Turning buds,

in green leaves.

Trees I dress,

I sow crops,

The movement is full,

they call me ... (Spring)


A long thin stalk,

Above is a scarlet flame.

Not a plant, but a beacon -

It's a bright red ... (Poppy)


A green leaf,

Thin stalk,

Yellow sarafanchik -

This ... (Dandelion)

Possessing an impressive "baggage of knowledge", preschoolers can themselves guess the riddles of adults. This feature can be used for further study of natural phenomena in the spring, the development of creative abilities and the awakening of interest in reading books. In addition, in the "arsenal" of parents should be children's riddles about the spring with an increased level of complexity:

On the pole is the palace,

In the palace - a singer! (Starling)


In the winter in the field lay,

In spring I ran to the river. (Snow)


There is a forest, fields and mountains,

All the meadows and gardens.

He knocks at all,

She sings by the water.

"Wake up, wake up!

Sing, laugh, smile! "

A pipe is audible far away.

It wakes everyone up ... (April)


The park seems to be covered with a green cloud.

Poplar in the green stands and the oaks and maples.

What was opened on the branches and in April dissolved? (Foliage, kidney)


Outside, she's ringing,

And she sings: "Spring has come!"

And cold icicles,

Turned into these trickles! "

Hear from the roof: "Slap-slap-slap!"

This is a small flood. (Drops)


Today I'm not a prankster,

Because my mother's holiday.

I drew her a bouquet.

I'm almost five years old!

And I'm not too lazy to clean up.

Guess what day?

He comes every year,

For a spring leads. (March 8, International Women's Day)


On the window she is in the pots,

There are tomatoes and flowers.

Only the spring has begun,

And she's already green! (Seedling)