How to survive the death of a dog?

Nothing on Earth is eternal: no life, no natural disasters, nothing. However, when a person faces a loss, it is difficult for him to soberly assess his condition, to try to understand how to survive death, especially if it is the death of a faithful and loyal friend - a dog.

How to survive the death of your favorite dog?

No matter how regrettable it may sound, the care of a beloved animal in a different world is most difficult for single people. Grief can not be hidden behind other emotions , it needs to be thrown out. If death is due to a negligent attitude of doctors, you should blame them. At this stage, you just need to release the pain outside, even if you close in the bathroom, the person will cry out loud. The main thing is that he does not keep everything in himself.

We must learn to live on without a beloved friend. If someone will offer their help, it is recommended to accept it. After all, now, more than ever, it will be necessary.

This event is a powerful blow to the psyche, as a result of which a large amount of stress hormone is released into the blood. It will not be superfluous to note that at first common sense will go back. This is due to the fact that the brain, as if blocking consciousness , thereby helping to reconcile with the death of the dog.

What to do after the death of a dog?

The most effective is the connection with those who have already experienced similar experiences. So, if there are no such people among friends, you can contact the local dog-breeders' club, where they will be sure to support and understand.

The main thing that it is forbidden to do in this difficult period: to withdraw into oneself, to close from the surrounding world, swallowing daily with a dozen soothing.

No matter how hard it was, but after the death of your favorite dog, you need to remove everything that might remind you of it. Do not consider such an act as a kind of betrayal of a four-legged friend. No, this is nothing more than the process of getting rid of mental suffering, pain.

It is necessary to set new goals, tasks, not just to get distracted, then to howl in the middle of the night, but to try to realize your loss, to understand that this is life and losses - one of the constituent parts of it.

Do not forget about your own instinct for self-preservation. After going through all stages of losing a beloved friend, you can after a while give affection, warmth, your care to a new friend, in which, perhaps, will be the soul of the dog that left this world.