Manic syndrome

Many people, first encountering bipolar disorder on their own skin, are very happy about what is happening. During manic syndrome, a person feels euphoria, increased efficiency, creative tide is observed even among the most rationalized accountants, the patient feels omnipotent, talented, divine. However, the state of euphoria can not last indefinitely.

The nature of manic syndrome

Manic syndrome, like depression , and a lighter form of hypomania, are signs, phases of bipolar personality disorder. It is not at all necessary that after the mania the next day the phase of depression should come. Symptoms of manic syndrome can be manifested for weeks, months, years, and only then will depression come.

Patients at first difficult to understand what is bad in their condition, because it suits them much more than the previous "sober" life. However, the creative surge, the thoughts born in the head one after another with unprecedented speed, lead to the fact that a person simply does not keep up with his head, becomes forgetful, one thing throws for the sake of a new one, and this is where irritation begins. The patient is angry that despite his "genius" nothing works, aggression , scandals are mixed with bouts of unhealthy laughter. At this moment, there can be fights on the street, utterances and interference in the life of completely strangers. It is at this point that most patients go to the hospital, and those who are unlucky to the police.


If you have found even a couple of symptoms of manic syndrome that have become your stable state for a week or a month, you should immediately consult a doctor:

The causes of all the symptoms of manic syndrome - a surge of hormones, which caused the sick brain.


Doctors still can not understand what is pushing our brains on the development of the disease. Symptoms of manic delusional syndrome can often appear already in childhood, but the first serious and even intimidating attacks most often occur at the age of 20 years, when a person feels already all-powerful, is not afraid of death and believes in his immortality.

Treatment of manic syndrome lasts a lifetime, as there is no way that can once and for all save a patient from this ailment. With manic syndrome, doctors prescribe neuroleptics, which relieve irritation, hostility, increased activity.

So do the so-called mood stabilizers. They help prevent mood swings that can be very dangerous and lead up to suicide. Such drugs are taken for a year or more, in parallel the patient should periodically take blood tests.

If it is a manic syndrome of the most severe degree, hospitalization will be required. At this stage, the patient represents too much risk and danger to himself and to society. In the hospital, electroshock therapy is often used.

But any remedy is better than living with a constantly aggravated manic syndrome without treatment. The most terrible and difficult for the patient is that his brain is in a state of exhaustion, a person feels that his head is bursting with restless thoughts, which he is no longer happy with and would like to stop, but, alas, can not.