Ear mite in humans

One mention of ticks causes cringing with disgust. These arthropods are almost invisible, but this did not stop them from gaining notoriety. And knowing how the ear mite in the body can manifest itself in humans, this is not surprising. A microscopic organism can do a lot of trouble.

Whether there is an auricle at the person?

It's good that this question arises. Indeed, the inhabitants of our latitudes encounter infrequently with an ear mite. Basically, it is found in those who have recently returned from an exotic country - India, Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Thailand. Small arthropods live on vegetables and fruits. Therefore, before you eat something during rest, you need to wash it very carefully.

Can a person have an animal ear mite?

Animals abroad to get an ear mite, you do not need to leave. For them, local arthropods are a danger. As a result of the activity of parasites in the ears of animals, exudate forms, which subsequently hardens into crusts.

A person should not be afraid of this. The animal tick is dangerous only for animals, and it is not transmitted to people.

Symptoms of ear mites in humans

The first sign of penetration of the arthropod in the ear is a strong itch. He is so obtrusive that you have to comb the auricle to the blood. And even this may not bring satisfaction.

Sometimes the ear mite in a person becomes the cause of pain, redness, swelling. A very unpleasant symptom is the feeling that someone is constantly in the ear and moves from time to time.

Bloodsuckers can infect an organism. Therefore, in some patients, the temperature rises due to the tick. Dermatosis develops, a rash appears on the body.

How to get rid of an ear mite in a person?

Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to determine which mite climbed into the auricle. With iksodovym arthropods to fight at all not difficult. It is destroyed by ordinary saline solution. If saline solution is not at hand, you can wipe your ear with 70% alcohol.

Treatment of the ear demodex tick in humans is more complicated. It depends on different factors. Mainly - from the general state of health.

During treatment, you must adhere to a healthy diet, comply with all hygiene standards and try to avoid getting direct UV rays on the inflamed skin. It will be useful to drink vitamin complexes.