ZHirovik behind the ear

Lipomas are formed under the skin. They are based on fatty tissues. They can appear all over the body. Sometimes zhiroviki form behind the ears. These are benign tumors, so it's not worth worrying about them at all. But it's not recommended to let the development of lipomas be done on its own.

The reasons for the formation of Wen's ear behind the ears

It is quite difficult to determine the cause of the tumor unequivocally. The most common predisposing factors to the problem are:

Another possible reason for the appearance of adipose tissue behind the ears is slagging of the body and blockage of the sebaceous glands. That's why people with fatty skin type suffer from lipomas more often than others.

How can I get rid of the zhirovik behind the ear?

The only effective method of treating a tumor is its removal.

  1. Small adolescents behind the ear are treated with a special compound. The medication is injected under the skin, and the formation dissolves. The ball disappears, but it takes a couple of months.
  2. Lipomas larger cut out. Previously, this could be done only by the traditional method. The tumor was opened and, after all the contents were taken out of it, it was sewn up.
  3. Today, as a rule, a laser beam or an endoscope is used to remove the wen foot behind the ear. Minimally invasive methods are no less effective and painless. And most importantly, there are no visible signs of interference on the skin after them. Among the advantages of laser and endoscopic therapy can also be attributed to speed - the removal procedures take up to an hour.