Emission for embryo implantation

Allocations during implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus are not always observed. However, those women who mark them, this sign helps to understand that the pregnancy has begun. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and tell you about which discharges are considered the norm when embryo is implanted in the uterus , and when it appears you need to inform the doctor.

What kind of spotting when embryo implantation is considered the norm?

At the appearance of blood approximately 8-10 days after ovulation, a woman first of all should pay attention to their volume and color. As a rule, the blood associated with the implantation of the embryo has a small volume. In this case, women note the appearance of a few drops on the underwear or sanitary towel.

Particular attention should be paid to the color of this blood. Thus, brown discharge during implantation of the embryo indicates that the released blood did not immediately come out. In view of the small volume, her movement along the neck and vagina took a certain amount of time, as a result of which a color change occurred.

This kind of discharge can be observed after embryo implantation, which should not cause panic in a woman. Their duration, as a rule, does not exceed 3-4 days, and the volume is no more than 10-15 ml for all time.

When there is a discharge of pink or bright red, it can be concluded that the blood in the reproductive system was moving swiftly. At the same time, its volume is quite large. In those cases where the allocation increases, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps their appearance is directly related to spontaneous abortion on a short period, caused by a violation of the implantation process.

How not to confuse implantation with physiological?

Having told about what allocation are marked at implantation of an embryo and what their character, it should be noted that often a woman takes them for a month. However, the discharge of blood during implantation has its own distinctive features.

Firstly, they are almost never accompanied by painful sensations that women experience with menstruation.

Secondly, the duration and intensity of their very small. Often, some women may not even pay attention to their appearance.

Thus, knowing which discharge after embryo implantation is considered normal, a woman will be able to easily distinguish them from unplanned menstruation.