Nose Piercing

Nose piercing in some eastern countries is an important element of the cultural tradition. In our country this kind of jewelry became popular not too long ago.

The first who ventured into extravagant punctures was the rebellious youth. So they showed their protest against the cruel world of adults. Today, nose piercing is the most popular type of piercing for girls.

Types of Nose Piercing

The most popular is the nose wing piercing (heals from 4 to 6 weeks). This is the most simple and problem-free kind of piercing. The specialist makes a puncture in the wing of the nose and wears a decoration, which is a special screw. From the outside it looks like a metal pebble or a ball, and inside - a special hook designed for reliable fixation. Careful and careful care is required for the wound. If you want to change the earring, be sure to do it on exhalation, otherwise you can accidentally inhale it.

Extreme Nose Piercing

  1. Septum is one of the most painful of all punctures on the face (heals from 6 to 8 weeks). This type of piercing can only be done by an experienced specialist, as the puncture is strictly perpendicular to the nose, otherwise the decoration will be crooked.
  2. Vertical piercing - the hole passes through the center of the line of the nose, from the very base to the tip. The difficulty is that the specialist, making a puncture, does not damage the septum. The procedure is very painful and heals for a long time.
  3. Bridge piercing - a puncture above the nose, just below the eyebrow line (heals from 6 to 10 weeks).
  4. Deep nose piercing - the puncture of the wings is much higher than usual. Poorly healing and painful puncture. This is due to the fact that it is carried out directly in the cartilage.

Ornaments for nose piercing

Of course, beautiful nose piercing can not be achieved without a well-chosen ornaments. A real nose piercing is decorated with either a ring or a carnation. Only carnations can be placed in a strictly defined place, and rings are more diverse. Jewelry for piercing should be hypoallergenic, that is, do not adversely affect the skin. It can be gold, platinum, titanium and some other metals. During the healing period, silver is never used for nose piercing, as it can cause a tumor, an allergic reaction, or leave a stain on the nose.

For the sopetu most often used jewelry in the form of horseshoes and rings.

Popular ornaments are various figures in the form of hearts, dolphins, moons.

Care of the piercing of the nose

There are no special nuances and difficulties in caring for piercing. Before the final healing of the puncture, it must be treated with an antiseptic (which will be prescribed by a specialist) 2 times a day. No need to pull or remove the earring.

Consequences of Nose Piercing

Despite the simplicity of piercing for the nose, it has its contra-indications and negative consequences.

Nose piercing can not be done if:

Even if you make a puncture in the cabin, there is a risk of complications such as blood poisoning, infection, swelling. If an abscess occurs, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will help you find the cause of the infection and tell you the treatment you need.

In some cases, the puncture oozes with a clear liquid - lymph. This is absolutely normal, it can be removed with the help of cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide.