When is it better to cut hair?

The hairstyle of a woman always attracts attention to herself, both the woman herself and others. As a rule, it does not leave anyone indifferent, someone likes it, somebody does not categorically. And here not in the hair, but in the taste preferences of people.

Often, women are interested, but when is it better or when you need to cut your hair so that they grow well? Turning to some sources on the Internet, we can conclude that you can get a haircut only in the favorable days of the lunar calendar. Whether it's true or not, it's up to us not to decide. But what do professional stylists and hairdressers think about this? Do they hold lunar horoscopes, which are advised when you need to cut your hair? It does not always turn out. And what else do they think about folk signs, and what advice do they give about hair cutting? Let's find out.

How often should I cut my hair?

Contrary to the popular belief that the more often hair is cut, the faster and thicker they grow, in practice it does not work. That is, if you have a tendency to slow hair growth, and you do nothing to speed it up, but only regularly cut your hair - then we will disappoint you. Often in the proof of this theory give an example of the rapid growth of bristles on the male face, supposedly this is due to the fact that the man often shaves them (and this gave rise to another myth that one-year-olds need to be cut naked). In fact, the hair on the face of a man grows slightly faster than on the scalp from the influence of hormones. Yes, and on the face of one otrosshy millimeter of bristles is much more noticeable than the same millimeter, which increased the length of hair in 15 centimeters on the head.

Stylists, in response to the question "How often should I cut my hair?" Is recommended to do this not more than once a month, if your head, of course, is not shaved "to zero." During this period, the hair on the head grows by 1 centimeter, which is recommended to shear, in order to refresh your hair. If the minimum period is set, then there is no maximum. But at the same time, common sense says the opposite. If you plan to grow long hair, then periodically you still need to cut them. First, to maintain a well-groomed look of your haircut, and secondly, to combat the split ends. Then the hairdressers advise a little shave ends at least once every three to four months. And you need to take care of your hair every day.

When can not I cut my hair?

According to the prescriptions contained in the lunar calendar, there are several such days in the month. But today we are not talking about them. In the recent past, the only reason why it was forbidden to cut hair was pregnancy. Whence the legs of this superstition grow, it is now quite difficult to find out. But what is interesting is that even some doctors categorically forbid pregnant women from cutting their hair. Allegedly, in this case, all the forces of the body will work for the growth of hair, and the child will not grow. Quite doubtful theory, is not it? And what do hairdressers think?

And they argue that hair growth during pregnancy does not stop, and does not even slow down its pace. And both trimmed and uncoated hair takes from the body a strictly certain amount of nutrients. And in the procedure of haircuts during pregnancy, only the advantages are found: the appearance of the future mummy improves, accordingly the mood and self-esteem rises, and such positive emotions are very necessary for the baby; and even put yourself in order better before delivery, because after them the time will be much less.

When is it better to cut hair, if an important event is ahead?

There is no unified opinion on this score, and the opinions of the stylists were divided in half. Some advise you to make a haircut on the eve of the event, so that in the event of that there was time to do another haircut, and laying just before an important event. The latter do not see this need, and believe that everything must be done in one day, if time allows - that on the day of the event, and if not - on the eve. Although by and large all this does not really matter.