Preparations for oncology - what are actually treated for cancer?

Oncological diseases occupy a considerable part of the number of all diseases. More than 10 million new cases per year are diagnosed worldwide. All countries are waiting for news from scientists about the invention of a miracle cure for cancer. And in the meantime, death rates from oncology continue to grow. So what is the treatment for this disease?

Antineoplastic drugs for cancer

There are several ways to treat oncology. This is chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal, targeted therapy, surgical intervention. The method is chosen depending on the type, stage of the disease, the location of the tumor, the state of health of the patient, etc. Is there a drug for cancer? Antineoplastic metabolites are used for chemotherapy. The main goal in using them is to make the growth of cancer cells cease, the tumor does not increase, and metastases do not appear. These are such drugs as:

Anesthetics for oncology

Drugs that eliminate pain, with cancer, are used to prevent negative effects on the patient's physical and mental condition. Pain in oncology is divided into two types: neuropathic and nociceptive. Pain medication is prescribed according to the type of pain. So, it is known that nociceptive pain ceases with the use of analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids. To get rid of neuropathic pain, antiepileptic drugs and tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed.

Strong painkillers for oncology are prescribed by the doctor, when the weaker ones no longer have the desired effect. This happens because of the rapid adaptation of the body to the means used. In such cases, a three-step regimen is used, based on WHO recommendations. At the same time, adjuvant preparations are taken. This scheme gives an analgesic effect in 90% of cases:

Relief from pain begins with the use of non-narcotic analgesics. It:

Adjuvant drugs are drugs that:

To weak opiates carry:

To more powerful narcotic drugs for anesthesia can be attributed:

Antiemetic drugs for oncology

Vomiting not only has an unpleasant character, but also quickly leads the body to dehydration, and the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract get mechanical damage. Manifestation of nausea and vomiting in cancer is a fairly common phenomenon. The reasons can be different:

Before undertaking the elimination of an unpleasant symptom with drugs, it is necessary to establish the reasons. For this, the drugs that the patient receives and the laboratory data are studied. The causes of this symptom may be central and peripheral. When vomiting the central mechanism, the following tools are used:

Antiemetic drugs peripheral action in oncology:

Target drugs with cancer

Target therapy is an innovation in the fight against oncology. Otherwise, these drugs are called "smart". This name they received for the ability to act only on mutating cells, while healthy tissues and organs remain unchanged. Such a medicine for oncology is prescribed to stop the growth of tumors, reduce the doses of chemotherapy and in severe conditions of patients. To date, about 10 drugs have been clinically tested and put into use, about another hundred are being tested and, probably, will soon be used to treat cancer.

Immunostimulating drugs in oncology

There are many opinions about the use of immunomodulators in cancer diseases. They began to be used in the 70's. Practice has shown that such means do not give unambiguous effect. It can be positive and negative. Immunotherapy with oncology is used for several indications:

Preparations for increasing hemoglobin in oncology

Depending on the number of red blood cells, distinguish between microcytic, macrocytic and normalcy anemia. Iron preparations for oncology are administered intravenously by injection together with preparations of erythropoietin, which stimulate the production of erythrocytes. In addition, to increase hemoglobin in cancer patients, the method of transfusion of erythrocytes is used, when red blood cells obtained from donor blood are injected intravenously. Thus, the hemoglobin level rises immediately.

New drugs in cancer treatment

Changes in the treatment of oncology, like any other direction in medicine, occur about every 10 years. Of the latest developments, biotherapy of tumors, targeted immunotherapy, the introduction of new surgical methods, as well as machines for sparing and targeted therapy. To develop a new drug for cancer, it takes a lot of time. After the invention, the drug passes several phases of testing.

Spot cancer drug

Of the latest studies - a new Russian drug against cancer, developed by the pharmaceutical company BIOCAD, PD-1. From 2015 to 2016, animal tests were conducted. The results shown outweigh everything that was invented earlier. This is the same targeted or so-called "point" drug, which stops the development of the tumor. Now the second phase of tests is underway. It is planned that the drug will be available for use as early as 2018-2019.

What types of cancer are fighting the new drug?

The new anti-cancer drug, according to experts, is effective in such types of oncology as lung cancer , kidney, head and neck, bladder, melanoma. Producers promise that even when the reception stops, the effect of the new medication will continue, which will give a chance for recovery even for the heaviest patients. And most importantly, the tool will be available to Russians. Two already used such drugs are produced abroad and have a very high cost.

What drugs can not be taken with oncology?

Answering the question, what medications are impossible in oncology, it is worth remembering that some medicines can not only prevent treatment from oncology, but also exacerbate the situation even more. For example, drugs that stimulate metabolism, vitamins and anticoagulants can cause tumor growth and metastases. Under the ban and hormones. the question remains also about the intake of iron-containing preparations. They are easily digested and not regulated by the body. Therefore, they can do more harm than good.