How to protect yourself from spoilage?

Despite the fact that we do not live in the Middle Ages, and to believe in witches has long been not accepted, people who have such abilities do exist. In this connection, for many, the question of how to protect oneself from spoilage is relevant. Let's consider different methods.

How to protect the house from spoiling?

The simplest way to protect a room is to go around the house with a candle in your hands, reading a prayer and crossing corners. It is especially good to have an elegant candlestick with a candle, which you can ignite whenever an envious person comes to your house with negative energy, loving to judge, angry.

Stones that protect from spoilage

One of the strongest stones that can be worn in jewelry is topaz. His energy will protect you from all negative influences. In addition, the tiger and cat's eyes, malachite, agate and diver are good in terms of protection. Make sure that the stone approaches your sign of the zodiac and the ruling planet, so that there is no disharmony.

How to protect the family from spoiling?

Now various bracelets are in fashion, and this fashion can be used for good. Take the red thread and wrap it three times around the left hand. Secure it. This is an excellent amulet for every member of your family. To avoid suspicion, you can hang on a string of beads and jewelry.

Protecting Prayers from Corruption

There are different options, and in general, any prayer will help you to protect yourself. The classical version is the prayer "Our Father", which should be repeated 9-12 times:

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and earth. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

The use of all these methods makes it possible to effectively protect their energy from the interference of both envious persons and magicians.