Plot from hemorrhoids

Many people who suffer from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids, often hesitate to consult a doctor, which leads to the development of complications. Rituals that help to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use only as an aid in normal treatment. In this case, the process of recovery will accelerate and the disease will go away.

Plots and prayers from hemorrhoids

There are many different rituals that everyone can use. It is important to apply to magic only if you have faith in a positive result.

Plot on water from hemorrhoids. After waking up in the morning, go to the bathroom and wash yourself. Then put warm water in your hands and say these words:

"St. Nicholas, you help all the suffering, you heal all the sick, help me, too, heal my physical weakness, take away the spiritual sickness from the servant of God (name). So be it, Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then, with the same water, you should gently wash the hemorrhoids.

There is another effective vintage plot using water. It is necessary to ask for a little water in seven different houses. An important point is that it should be at home, not apartments. The extracted water should be read three times such a conspiracy:

"The blood was devilish, the blood of people was pouring out, cuddle and be healed by the word and deeds of Christ, through holy bodies, through suffering, the cross and the crown of thorns, through Ivan the Baptist, Panteleimon Healer, and forty holy servants of God (name) help. Amen!"

Part of the water should be drunk, and the rest should be washed.

Plots of the Siberian healer from hemorrhoids. After sunset, before going to bed, you need to sit on your bed and say such a plot:

"Radish radish, radish prickly, Radish loose, radish interior, Radish windy, Rise, fall, For the servant of God (name) do not go. Amen".

Conspiracy from hemorrhoids on fir cones. This simple ritual should be done every day in the evening for two weeks in the period from the full moon to the new moon. For him, prepare a handful of cones, a church wax candle and a container of clay. Put the cones in a prepared bowl and light the candle. Flame from her set fire lumps, and then, put a candle next to the container. While all the bumps do not burn, read this conspiracy:

"A fir-cone is a pine cone." Pine cone - in an alder cone. In the fire, hot on a hot stove, a bump in smoke and ash. Smoke - into the sky, ashes - to the wind, cleanliness - to cleanliness. All the cleanliness to me, God's servant Mary. Amen".

The next step is to carry the container with ashes to the intersection and develop it in the wind. Bring the bowl home, and hide it from prying eyes.

Evening plot against hemorrhoids. In order for the ritual to give the desired result, a belief in recovery is necessary. You need to spend it on the waning moon at sunset. Read the conspiracy in a whisper three times:

"Radish radish, radish barbed sodden, slip away, according to the servant of God - do not go by the name (slave of God's name). Amen".

Repeat the rite until the illness passes.

Morning plot from hemorrhoids. At dawn, you can directly say in a bed three times such a conspiracy :

"My guardian angel, save me, Slave (-y) of God (-yu) (own name) from the sickness is filthy and sickly. Wave on me, Slave (-) God's (own) name with his wings, the pain is unbearable, and the secret secret scarlet blood. Get rid of the bad pochechuy drive. Amen".

Then cross yourself and drink some holy water.

Healing infusion from hemorrhoids. To prepare the infusion, you should combine the leaves of strawberries and blueberries, and then pour them with boiling water and leave for a while. When the liquid is completely cool, moisten a piece of red cloth in it and read the following plot:

"I conjure with holy water, I command the forest grass, I predict in red. You blush soften, you flesh go, you blood do not oozes. Black to black, white to white, dead to dead, and living to life. All that he said, did not say, put his place in his place, turn to business "!

In a conspiratorial cloth, wash the hemorrhoids.