How to hide strawberries for the winter?

Proper planting, fertilizing, watering and other care for strawberries can reduce the result to zero if a bad winter has been provided. The roots of the plant die already at a temperature of -8 ° C, and the aerial part - at a temperature of -9 ° C. Therefore, it is very important to protect culture in the cold season, and how to cover strawberries for the winter - in this article.

Preparation for wintering

There is no doubt about whether it is necessary to shelter strawberries for the winter, if you do not want to remain without a crop, but you need to start preparing in the summer time so that the root system can restore to the arrival of cold weather. In the spring period all the weeds are removed, and at the end of summer the ground near the bushes should be well loosened. Collecting the whole harvest, you should start transplanting the bushes and cutting old leaves. To update the plant and increase the plantation, the outlet closest to the mother's bush should be moved to a new location. To update the whole bush, all the leaves are cut off, and at the end of August all the mustaches are removed.

To gain strength and successfully transfer the winter hardship plant will help top dressing. In this capacity, organic fertilizers are good - humus or manure. They are designed for mulching the soil near each bush. In addition, it is necessary to protect the planting and against pests, which include a transparent tick. To destroy it, use wood tar or carbophos. Snails and slugs are "afraid" of metaldehyde, and copper oxychloride helps to cope with gray rot.

What can you hide strawberries for the winter?

The best and natural material for shelter is the snow, but not every winter can boast of snow, so protection is just necessary. The most preferred materials include:

Now it is clear whether strawberries can be covered with straw for the winter, but it is necessary to get rid of the seeds beforehand so that they do not attract rodents. Under needles, straw or sawdust, young bushes can disappear completely, and adult plants can simply be sprinkled, as if humming in a circle. This will be enough to keep the heat in the ground at a temperature of -25 ° C. If it is decided to use an air-dry method with the use of artificial material, then beforehand, the arches should be fixed above the beds. It is on them stretched spunbond or agrotex, which will not allow the rodents to settle near the bushes, they will let in air, light and water and prevent unwanted temperature changes.

Under the condition of a snowless and frosty winter, it is necessary to cover not only the bushes themselves, but also inter-row spacing. This is done with the help of a thick layer of mulch that will prevent the freezing and cracking of the earth, and hence the destruction of the root system. The ideal time for shelter is associated with the onset of stable frosts. The first frosts will go to strawberries only for good, but as soon as the earth freezes to a depth of 4 cm, you should start sheltering for the winter. Hurrying in this case, you can bring damage to the plant, and it will die.