Patchouli oil - properties and application

The Philippine Islands are home to a low shrub whose leaves produce patchouli oil - properties and application of this product cover many areas. This product is especially often used in perfumery, for the production of perfume, as it has a pronounced tart aroma with woody and resinous notes. Also the patchouli ether is popular in cosmetology due to its amazing abilities.

Medicinal properties of patchouli oil

Before considering the value of the described product in cosmetology, it is worth paying attention to its use in medicine. Essential oil from the leaves of patchouli has the following properties:

Therefore, the presented product is effective for the treatment of various dermatological and gynecological diseases, pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular system, disturbances in metabolic processes.

Application of properties and features of patchouli oil in cosmetology

Patchouli ether is universal and can be used to improve the condition of any skin type. But mostly it is used in the care of mature or fading skin with wrinkles. This is due to the property of patchouli oil to stimulate the processes of cell regeneration and regeneration, the production of elastin and collagen fibers, to exert a pulling and tonic effect.

The recommended method of use is the enrichment with ether of various cosmetic products (creams, masks, tonics, milk).

It is enough 3-5 drops of oil for every 20 g of product. You can also make oil mixtures on your own, adding 2 drops of ether to 1 tbsp. spoon any suitable vegetable oil.

In pure form, the patchouli ether is not practically used, only in the treatment of acne , point to inflammation.

Proper use of patchouli oil for hair

The presented product can not only improve the appearance and condition of the curls, but also eliminate such problems of the scalp as:

In this case, beauticians are also advised to enrich with patchouli oil shampoos, balms or hair masks. The dosage is slightly less than for the skin of the face and body - up to 3 drops per 20 g of products.

Also, the health effect produces an oil mixture: almond oil as a base (2 tsp) with 2 drops of patchouli ether. Rubbing the composition into the scalp before washing the hair helps to quickly eliminate dandruff and other fungal diseases, strengthen the roots of the curls, prevent their loss and fragility.