Emotional lability

Emotional lability - is an unstable mood, its constant changes under the influence of the smallest, minor events. This symptom necessarily manifests itself in problems with the vessels of the brain, as well as with various kinds of asthenic diseases.

Emotional lability and disease

As a rule, the syndrome of emotional lability has the property of accompanying the following diseases, which you need to treat a neurologist and psychiatrist:

In these cases, emotional lability is seen as a symptom of one of these, much more serious diseases. In some cases, severe forms of vegetative-vascular dystonia also lead to emotional lability, which is manifested in sentimentality and tearfulness.

Emotional lability: a pathology or not?

Lability of emotions is a pathology of the nervous system, in which case the mood changes from small events that should not cause a strong reaction. In this case it is very difficult to determine the limits of the norm, and this can only be done by a psychiatrist in person. In general, the following options can not be called pathology:

However, in these cases there are some deviations, so there is no need to talk about correspondence consultation.

Emotional lability - symptoms

In general, the lability of the nervous system is one of the usual properties in differential psychology. It characterizes the speed of various processes and, in general, the functional mobility. In some cases, the lability is so accelerated that it reaches affective explosiveness. In addition, traits of other types can also be attached - hysteroid, sensitive or unstable.

Identify emotional lability is possible on the following human conditions:

  1. The emergence of sudden, unexpected affective outbreaks on an insignificant occasion, which also quickly disappear, as they appear.
  2. Sharp change of an angry state to tears.
  3. Absence of rudeness in case of aggression.
  4. Affect is accompanied by tears, hurling things, cursing and even moaning.
  5. The person because of the volatility of emotions becomes restless and unassembled.
  6. Against the background of all this, as a rule, there is no adequate assessment of one's own behavior.

Emotional lability - is it possible to treat?

Depending on what the genesis of this disease, the doctor determines the possibility of his cure. In the event that emotional lability has arisen against the background of an asthenic condition, general restorative therapy is recommended: rest more, watch the sleep in good conditions and sufficient time, observe proper nutrition and take sedatives.

There is no point in self-medication, because without an accurate definition of the cause, even a doctor is unlikely to be able to provide effective help. Most often this disease only accompanies more serious violations, and it is on them that therapy should be directed.

In order to help yourself or someone close to you to alleviate this condition, it is recommended to include in your daily diet tea from soothing herbs - for example, valerian, lemon balm. They are especially useful before bedtime, you can add natural honey to them. However, this is only a supportive measure, and after treatment you need to turn to a specialist.