The stages of the death

Death is inevitable, we all will someday die, but not everyone is equally affected by the care of their loved ones. One of the investigators of the near-death experiences was Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, a physician who brought out five stages of the death. All their people experience in their own way, depending on the strength of their psyche .

Five stages of the death

These include:

  1. Denial . At the moment when a person is informed about the death of a loved one, he can not believe in what happened. And even if a loved one has moved to another world in his arms, he continues to believe that he is just asleep and will soon wake up. He can still talk to him, prepare food for him, and do not change anything in the room of the deceased.
  2. Anger . At this stage of accepting the death of loved ones, people become enraged and burnt. He is angry with the whole world, destiny and karma, asks the question: "Why did this happen to me? Why am I so guilty? "He transfers his emotions to the deceased, accusing him of leaving so early, leaving his loved ones, that he could still live, etc.
  3. Deal or bargain . At this stage, a person again and again scrolls in the head the death of a loved one and draws pictures that could prevent a tragedy. In the case of a plane crash, he thinks that one could not buy a ticket for this flight, leave later, etc. If a loved one is at death, then close calls to God, asking to save an expensive person and take in his place something else, for example, a job. They promise to improve, to become better, if only loved one was near.
  4. Depression . At this stage of accepting the death of a loved one, a moment of despair, hopelessness, bitterness and self-pity comes. Man finally begins to realize what happened, to comprehend the situation. All hopes and dreams are falling, understanding comes that now life will never be the same and in it will not be the most dear and beloved person.
  5. Acceptance . At this stage, a person accepts the inevitable reality, reconciles with loss and returns to the familiar life.