National clothes of Spain

Spain is a coastal country of the Mediterranean Sea, rich in sun, tomatoes, majestic mountains and amazing wines. Homeland of geniuses and masterpieces of world significance. The beautiful architecture of Madrid and Barcelona, ​​passionate flamenco, and spectacular bullfight - all these are the charms of one country. Many tourists hurry to visit the Spanish coast, enjoy the open smiles of friendly, but temperamental residents of Spain, plunge into European history and expand their horizons. The Spaniards are a freedom-loving people, its traditions, culture and craft have made their mark on the history of modern Europe. You can have a huge amount of ideas about Spain, associating it with many moments unique to this country, but today it is very difficult to get a full picture of Spanish national clothes. Let's see, what is the national costume of Spain?

Features of men's national Spanish clothing

There are a lot of variations on the theme of the national Spanish costume - it all depends on the region. Let's try to create a collective image, taking as a basis the historical district of Andalusia.

White shirt, long trousers, vests and jackets of free cut, leggings, as well as wide belts made of ordinary cloth, most often red. The jackets of the Spaniards are short, with narrow sleeves. This image resembles a costume of a bullfighter, but it lacks shoulder pads and decorative trim. Notable people in Spain wore their jackets with a gold or silver thread, clothes for rich people sewed from expensive fabrics, other differences in the costume of a caballero and a simple working Spaniard you will not find. As the outer clothing, the Spaniards preferred cloaks and cloaks.

Features of female national Spanish clothing

The female national costume of Spain is more vividly expressed than the male, and resembles the costumes of other European nations. Women wore a wide skirt and corset, the arms of the Spanish women were completely denuded, and were closed to the very wrist. Bright colorful fabrics, multilayered skirts with lace and frills, sarafans were typical for Spanish women.

In the world fashion, the national Spanish clothing has made its contribution and perpetuated in its modern interpretations.