Color ayvory

The name of this topical in the fashion industry is familiar to many people, but not every girl decides to fill up her wardrobe with new ivory-colored clothes. Is the color of the ivory suitable for any color appearance ? Are there any shades in this trendy color? With what it is better to combine it, to achieve harmony in the image? Let's try to understand.

Current color

The word ivory in England means a color similar to that of ivory. In coloring, this color is considered a shade of white, but it looks at times more luxurious and nobler. Since ancient times, ivory has been used by people to produce needles, tips for arrows, knives and other weapons. The development of civilization has broadened the scope of this pliable soft, but durable material. Over time, simple patterns turned into textured murals, objects of everyday life and even statues, but only such aristocrats and wealthy people could afford such luxury. However, humanity and the desire to protect elephants led to the fact that bone became a commodity scarce, which increased its value.

Today, clothes, furniture, household items and decorations of the color of the aiouri embody the remains of former luxury and noble majesty. It is for this reason that the wedding dresses of the ivory color are becoming more popular, because they emphasize the importance of the moment. An excellent alternative that does not violate canonical traditions. The dress of the color of ivor is extremely in demand today. According to experts, sales of such models occupy up to 40% of all sold wedding dresses. Ivory from white is not sharp. Like other white tones, this color has a number of shades. Combines their belonging to a warm range , but the variety of tones is very large. Ivory can be yellowish, beige, brownish, muted pink, dairy, papyrus, and cream.

Color combinations

In the everyday wardrobe this color has not yet settled, but everything goes to this. For designers, a combination of colors with hints of ivory can be a source of inspiration. Fabrics of soft deep color allow you to create lively, voluminous images that touch, attract, attract. It is impossible to say unambiguously with which color the aiour is combined, because it depends on the shade. But some rules still exist. So, the colors, combined with the ivory, should not be sharp. In addition, the shade of ivory itself should be warmer than the skin tone, otherwise the appearance of pale blue can not be avoided.

Choosing a specific shade is easiest for the representatives of the spring color. Any shirt or evening dress of ivory color will be in harmony with the golden shade of the skin perfectly. Summer color type allows for the presence of neutral shades in the image. For example, you can buy stockings or shoes with ivory color with a pinkish, milky or brownish hue. It will be more difficult for girls of autumn color, because they will forgive warm shades. Creamy and yellow - a definitive taboo! A representative of the winter color-type should be excluded from the wardrobe clothes and accessories of gray and brown shades of ivory.

But always it is worth remembering that the ayvory does not tolerate cheapness in any of its manifestations. Substandard tailoring, cheap fabric and simple hardware will turn any shade into a dirty, worn out.