Atheroma on the face

The sebaceous cyst is an atheroma that can appear on almost any part of the human body. And the skin of the face in this matter, unfortunately, is no exception.

All the secrets that must come out to the surface of the skin with the help of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland because of its blockage accumulate in the capsule. This is one of the main reasons for the appearance of atheroma on the face.

Why does an atheroma occur?

To understand the behavior of our sebaceous glands and consider options for the onset of atheroma of the face, you need to know some information.

Types of sebaceous glands:

The cyst of the free gland may depend on gender. If the women with outflow ducts are located throughout the face area, then in men they are only present where there is no hair growth. But the formation of follicular cysts does not depend on sex and can manifest with the same frequency, both in men and in women.

Since the atheroma on the face is formed as a result of the accumulation of secret fluid and blockage of the duct, the causes of its appearance lie in a number of factors that control the work of glandulae sebacea.

To those we attribute:

Where is atheroma localized?

Facial atheroma can be located in such places as:

Treatment and prevention

If the atheroma on the face inflamed, then there is a high probability of accumulation of pus in it. Often such a cyst can open spontaneously. But such an outcome does not always indicate the successful completion of this disease.

To protect yourself and not face further problems that may appear due to cysts, you should immediately resort to removing atheroma on the face.

If you are interested in how to get rid of atheroma on the face, then there are few options, or rather one. In 100% of cases, this cyst is eliminated only surgically, regardless of its stage.

The rules that must be followed to prevent the formation of atheroma on the face:

  1. Carry out a regular cleaning of the pores.
  2. Use steam baths before peeling.
  3. Adhere to the correct diet.
  4. Start using vitamins A, E, C.
  5. Provide protection of the skin in the cold season.

Although atheroma of the face and is not a malignant formation, but its appearance can cause psychological discomfort to any person. Therefore, try to follow your skin as carefully as possible.