How to learn to write beautifully?

Despite the fact that in the junior classes everyone is taught to write letters with one slope and the standard size, forcing hundreds of times to repeat the necessary spelling in the words, each person has his own individual handwriting. He is not always legible and beautiful. It is difficult to say that this is an end in itself, however it is pleasant to write beautifully and legibly to everyone. After all, if the handwriting does not look too good, you can hear many unflattering comments like "you write like a chicken with a paw!". In addition, handsome handwriting gives a person a special status.

How to learn to write in a beautiful handwriting?

In the question of how to learn how to write beautiful letters, it is difficult to invent something more effective than the principle of "repetition - the mother of learning."

The simplest way to learn how to write beautifully to an adult is to buy simple children's prescriptions familiar from school years, and patiently write out all the suggested icons. So you will develop the motor skills of your hands, and your memory will remember the movements you need. Do them slowly and carefully, because you are trying for your own good.

As a rule, not only the letters themselves are processed in the words, but also their various components. If some of them do not work out in any way, get a tracing paper and circle the typed letters from the list until your hand gets used to it and you can not reproduce it yourself.

How to learn to write beautifully?

Learning how to write beautiful letters is not as simple as writing in the words. Find a handwritten font on the Internet that will hit you on the spot and become your benchmark. Further everything is simple: create yourself a list in any text editor such as Word. To do this, it is easiest to create a table for the entire size of the sheet, and in each line write one letter-standard several times.

a а а

b b b

in in

rd r

d d d

In order to learn, you need to write the same letter hundreds of times. After you master all of them separately, you need to learn how to beautifully connect them together, considering the options, as in ordinary writing. Write short and long words, combine letters accurately and accurately.

Most importantly, training should be daily. If you practice your handwriting 1-2 times a week or a month, you will not learn a beautiful handwriting.

In the question of how to learn how to write beautiful figures, all the same techniques will help you. No one and nothing will fix your handwriting, except for your diligence and persistence in achieving the goal.

How to learn to write beautifully quickly?

The question of how to learn how to write beautifully texts without losing speed is quite complicated. Turning to a quick spelling, you can recall a simplified writing of letters and again use an old, ugly handwriting model. Therefore, after you have mastered the slow and beautiful writing of each letter, it is worthwhile once again to fill in the prescriptions - this time already at a fast pace, but at the same time making sure that the text is accurate. Of course, this will not be the maximum possible rate of writing, but your handwriting will be beautiful at the same time.

Handwriting and character of a person

Before you learn how to write beautifully, remember about psychology: the hand of a person is not accidental and conveys his character. For example, small letters speak of secrecy, large ones - about sociability; angular about aggression, and rounded - about friendliness. Changing the handwriting, you can and affect your character. It is not yet clear what is the cause and what is the consequence, but not everyone feels comfortable feeling, deducing letters in an uncharacteristic way.

Of course, everyone can write differently. However, the text that is obtained from a person who does not think about how he writes, characterizes a person perfectly and can tell a lot about him.