Well at the cottage

Clean and delicious drinking water is now worth its weight in gold, it's no wonder that more and more people are thinking about how to build a well in their dacha - with their own hands or hiring a construction team. Strangely enough, the first step to answering this question is to communicate with neighbors. Despite the fact that experts say that water is absolutely everywhere, it would be useful to hear other people's versions. Perhaps the stories about construction and arrangement at the dacha of the well, which eventually dried up, will disappoint you, but you do not have to waste your efforts.

The important points that you need to learn from the residents of nearby houses are how deep they had to dig, how far the well is from the house, why they chose that place and so on. If you notice that all the wells in the district are approximately on the same line, do not make unnecessary experiments, try to dig a well in the same place, though at the dacha and do not damage a couple of extra loosening of the soil.

Also, do not forget to find out what soil was encountered by others when digging. This, firstly, will give you an opportunity to estimate how long the work process will take, and secondly, it will become one more argument on the scales of the decision on the device of the well at the dacha.

Stages of creating a well

So, where does the creation of the well begin? You need to decide how much deep water you need, depending on what kind of water is flowing in the area. Then determine the location of the well. You can, of course, invite a couple of charlatans who walk around the site with twigs and aluminum sticks, carefully depicting a mysterious sight, but it's better to just take an example from your neighbors.

Then the main part begins - a hole is opened for the well. In the process of excavating, cover your head with something like a helmet, in case there are collapses of loose soil. Still, security is first of all.

Next, how your well will be made a well, depends on the material you trust more - wood or concrete. In principle, the tree is more environmentally friendly, but its service life is usually less than that of concrete.

In any case, the technology is essentially the same - wooden beams or concrete rings are put on the bottom of the well, starting somewhere in the middle of the excavation. They sink and put on the following. The bottom is covered with pebbles or covered with boards. It sounds simple, but in fact the process requires great concentration and accuracy. Of course, do not forget about considerable physical effort.

Design of a well in the country

When you reach the top and overlay the well from the inside with the selected material, you can build the top. Again, the choice of material behind you - wood, stone or the same uncomfortable concrete.

From the way you decorate the well in the country, the general appearance of the garden and the plot largely depends. In addition, a well constructed well will serve you for a long time and may even go on to the next generations, which means that its design should be carefully thought through.

Very nice looking well, built of wooden beams. Not only it is possible, but also it is necessary, to decorate it with flowers to give charm and to give it easy to fit into the outline of the garden. If you have even a small art deposit, a great idea to make a painting on it or a funny drawing. In extreme cases, write just something memorable for you, so that even in cold winters, a hike for water would bring you a smile.

If the house on the site is made in the old aristocratic style, it is better to make a well in an appropriate way, it suits:

Fans of all unusual can impose a well tiles or modern tiles. And if you are afraid that the neighbors who helped you yesterday, tomorrow will slip at night to you for water, build a small structure to protect it and hang the lock, as in the photo below.