
Self-expression of a person is a natural need of a person, which is inherent in absolutely everyone. Despite the fact that modern society often drives us into certain limits and forces us to some type of behavior and sometimes even clothes and appearance, each person wants to find time to be himself. Behavior in the university or at work is one thing, and of course, these are not places where it would be worthwhile to show your personality too brightly. But in his spare time to suppress his need for self-expression is not recommended.

Freedom and fear of self-expression

Very important is a person's free expression, and possible problems with this lead to a lot of problems. Why is it so important?

When a person for some reason can not openly engage in self-expression, this leads to a decrease in self-esteem, constriction and many complexes. For many people, self-expression is the goal of life, and it's no accident: a person who freely creates and does not wear masks is much freer and happier than others.

Ways of self-expression

It is very important for every person to find their own kind of self-expression. For someone it is - career and professional success - for someone - creativity or needlework, for someone appearance. Consider the options.

  1. Self-expression of the person in the profession. As they say, the best job is a highly paid hobby. If you manage to express yourself at work, consider yourself one of the happiest people, because for most people work is just a way to get paid. Most often self-expression of this kind is possible for people of creative professions, but if you are a born leader and occupy a leading position - this definitely can be considered a self-expression.
  2. Self-expression in creativity. This kind is so effective that in psychology the method of creative self-expression is used to help a person to splash emotions or solve some internal problems. Have you noticed that there are not that many positive poems and pictures? Poets and artists are trying to splash out on paper and canvas, especially negative emotions, vivid expression or pain. This is not an accident: the fact is that in the process of self-expression, a person wins his pain, conquers his problem. It does not matter how you "express yourself": write poetry, dance, sing, embroider a cross or make a photo. Whatever it is, do it as often as possible to get the most pleasure and benefit. If you still have not found yourself - try everything one by one until you find something to your liking.
  3. Self-expression through appearance. Most psychologists agreed on the opinion that external self-expression makes a person happier. When you add personality to your image, show your taste in style, it not only makes you brighter, but also harmonizes your outer part with the inside.
  4. Self-expression with the help of tastes. Scientists have determined that people who listen to the same music often have common features of temperament, character, etc. Choosing your favorite movies or music, and talking with like-minded people on these interesting topics for you, you also are engaged in self-expression.

Self-expression is an easy way to be happier and to find agreement with your inner world. Let it be present in your life in all its manifestations!