How to calm your nerves?

In the modern rhythm of life, various stresses surround us everywhere. In order to be able to deal with all problems skillfully, it is necessary to be constantly on the alert. However, in this case, we are constantly nervous, gradually this strain becomes too much and this, undoubtedly, negatively affects our state of health. With such rates it is easy to come to depression, constant headaches, as well as slowing the metabolism, which in turn leads to the formation of cellulite, excess weight and other troubles, right up to the hospital bed.

How can you calm your nerves?

If your situation is too serious and the problem requires specialist intervention, then you should still contact him and he will be able to prescribe pills that calm your nerves. However, it should be noted that it is quite possible to calm nerves at home. The main thing is to learn to recognize correctly when you are already on the verge and at this moment to stop in time, do not worry. The next step is to let go of the situation, relax. Work - not a wolf, in the forest will not run away. And your health - can. Take a deep breath, count to ten, feel yourself, your body in the real world, feel that you are here and now. Calm your breathing for at least thirty seconds, and you will already feel peace of mind. You do not need to breathe in any particular way, at a certain rhythm or pace, it is enough to be aware and feel the whole process of your breathing, focusing on it, you will digress a little from the stressful situation.

How to calm your nerves with folk remedies?

  1. What to drink to calm nerves? Beet, carrot and pumpkin juices are a great way to calm your nerves. Such products are good for nervous overloads, overfatigue, various stresses and disorders. However, observe the rules for making this juice. To the body was able to take it, before use, it must be infused for at least 6 hours, you can also add a spoonful of honey for a more pleasant taste.
  2. What foods soothe the nerves? Nerve soothing agents also include pion tincture, however, note that it increases the acidity of the stomach. To make such a tincture you need 1 tsp. crushed peony roots, poured 3 cups of boiled hot water. Insist half an hour, take 10 minutes before meals 2 or 3 times a day.
  3. To soothe the nerves of games include, for example, chess, checkers, rosary, drawing. And better, walk along the street, in the fresh air nerves will definitely calm down.

Ways to calm nerves

  1. There really are a lot of them. One of these methods is to push the point under the nose above the upper lip. Press down with all your might for at least three seconds, and this will help you to pull yourself together.
  2. As you know, vision brings us a huge amount of information about the external world, about our environment, that is why in the consciousness it is possible to create a fictitious image of something pleasant and soothing. Experts argue that the most favorable in this case will be pictures containing blue and white colors. Imagine a cool blue water with white foam, imagine how it touches you. Then imagine that all this water flows into the funnel, and behind it are all the problems, stresses and causes of the experiences.
  3. A very simple and effective way is to go to the bathroom, turn on cold water, wash your hands and cold hands slowly touch the face, neck, do a light massage in the neck, it will also help relieve tension.

Such simple tips will help you calm your nerves before going to bed, speaking, meeting or an important meeting. The main thing is to remember that in our life there are not really so many reasons to reduce the number of our nerve cells.