What drugs to take with menopause?

Climax is an age-related phenomenon, which means the end of childbearing age. During this period, the ovaries stop producing eggs, the level of estrogen falls, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of menopause are familiar to many - it's irritability, mood changes, headaches, insomnia, sweating and so on. In order to minimize the unpleasant sensations and normalize the hormonal background, you need to know what drugs to take with menopause.

Hormonal drugs used in menopause

Since the main cause of unpleasant symptoms during menopause is a decrease in the production of estrogen, all medications recommended for admission in this period are aimed at restoring the hormonal balance. It is worth noting that the level of hormones for each woman is individual, so it's up to the attending physician to decide which pills to take with menopause.

It should be noted that almost all hormonal drugs have a number of contraindications. When prescribing a medicine, the doctor should report possible complications, and also take into account the state of your reproductive system, kidneys and liver.

In order to determine what medicines to take with menopause, contact your supervisor. After the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective drugs. Currently, the most commonly used are Livial and Climaton.

Herbal preparations

More and more popular today are herbal preparations, which are based on hormone substitutes - phytoestrogens. It is believed that such drugs do not harm the female body and have virtually no contraindications. As a rule, vegetable analogues are biological supplements and homeopathic preparations.

It is worth noting that herbal preparations are dispensed without a prescription, so before using them, you should carefully study the instructions, paying attention to contraindications and compatibility with other medicines.

As an example of a popular non-hormonal drug, you can specify Remens, how to take it when the climax is interested, perhaps, every woman who was on the verge of age-related changes in the body. Indeed, Remens is one of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies, which increases the level of estrogen, eliminates the symptoms of menopause and has a tonic effect. Pay attention, with the climatic syndrome the drug is used no less than six months for 1 tablet or 10 drops three times a day.

Among phytopreparations used in menopause, it can also be noted:

Shatavari with menopause: how to take?

Today, many women use a plant such as shatavari, which in eastern medicine is almost a panacea for all diseases of the female reproductive system. In addition to the fact that shatavari is able to restore reproductive function, strengthen immunity and prevent the development of many pathologies caused by a lack of estrogen, The plant effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of climacteric syndrome .

The plant is taken in a variety of forms. It can decoctions, powder or oil. At present, for convenience of use, shatavari is available in the form of tablets. To date, the plant is part of many homeopathic medicines.

What to take a woman with menopause, should determine the attending physician, so before choosing a drug, whether it is a biological supplement or a hormone drug, be sure to consult a specialist.