Medication abortion

Aborting a pregnancy or leaving is a voluntary choice for every woman. No one has the right to condemn or interfere with this decision. The only thing a pregnant woman should remember is that the time allocated for meditation is limited. Because, the earlier an unwanted pregnancy is interrupted, the lower the risk of possible consequences.

Today, the most safe method of abortion is considered to be tablet abortion. We'll talk about the specifics and timing of the procedure in this article.

How is tabletted abortion?

The scheme of abortion through medication is approximately as follows:

  1. Before conducting tableted abortion, the doctor should clarify the timing of pregnancy and examine the patient. Admission of special drugs is allowed, if no more than 42-49 days have elapsed since the last month, that is, the gestation period does not exceed 6-7 weeks.
  2. According to the rules, tableted abortion is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel. A woman is allowed to take a pill, after which she must stay in the clinic for a while for some time under supervision. If the patient's condition is stable, she is released home, but after 48 hours without fail she must appear for a second appointment.
  3. During this period, the pregnant woman should begin spotting, which is a signal of the beginning of rejection of the mucous membrane along with the fetal egg. If bleeding in the likeness of menstruation does not begin or the fetus does not completely exit the uterus, then at the second admission a woman is prescribed additional preparations of prostaglandins.
  4. After two weeks, the doctor is obliged to make a control ultrasound in order to be convinced of the effectiveness of the measures taken.

With timely treatment and the absence of contraindications, the medical method of aborting pregnancy allows to avoid many consequences and complications . But to dismiss the appearance of the latter can not be unequivocally.

What is important to know about chemical abortions?

Perhaps, one of the exciting issues for many women is how much is a tabulated abortion. First of all, the price depends on the chosen institution. Of course, the amount will be tangible, because it includes the cost of a preliminary examination, selected drugs and maintenance.

It is worth noting that a preliminary examination is an extremely necessary procedure that allows you to determine whether there are contraindications for conducting a medical termination of pregnancy. These include:

To clarify, the presence of contraindications, is required by every doctor, before appointing the patient drugs that interrupt pregnancy.

Another important point, that after a drug interruption is considered the norm, and what is not. Bloody discharge, reminiscent of the monthly after tableted abortion - this is normal. They should last no more than a week, and be accompanied by characteristic pains. If the bleeding becomes plentiful and the pains are strong, and all this against the background of high fever, then you need to see a doctor sooner.

Also, women who interrupted pregnancy medically, gynecologists are recommended immediately after abortion to start taking contraceptives, without waiting for the first menstruation, since the chances of getting pregnant repeatedly in this period are high.